Disable the Fan shim script to write its temp. kodi.log

  • @jane_t I use your script which is awesome, but it contentiously writes it temperature measurements in kodi.log.

    I continuously leave my Pi on the whole day because it doesn't consume that lot of energy. If I do so then my log file becomes very big.

    Can I disable this?

    I already have take a look into the control panel, and the write to log is disabled, is there an other setting also?


  • In an ideal world.....

    I would suggest asking at Forum as a feature request.

    but as an interim solution. Try

    Adding LOGNOTICE=0 to service.py at line 49 (Might work) - If it does please post a reply.


    commenting out lines (where xbmc.log is called) 62,63,166,169,172,194,202 & 213 in service.py (Should work)

  • Adding LOGNOTICE=0 to service.py didn't work

    But solution two did! By commenting out all the line you've mentioned with xbmc.log :)

    Thanks a lot!