IRTrans remote - slow navigation

  • Hi,

    I have Recently made the switch from Windows, to libreelec, knowing next to nothing about linux,

    I have Been following This Thread Without much success, I got as far as getting the vfd display to work if I

    Started irserver with the following command: ./irserver64 -logfile /var/log/irserver.log -pidfile /var/run/ -daemon /dev/ttyUSB0

    What ever I try, I cannot get the Remote to work (mce remote) , As the Thread mentions, irserver uses the same LIRC socket (/run/lirc/lircd) as eventlircd that comes with OpenElec/LibreElec and can therefore not be used alongside it. A custom version of irserver was previously distributed with LibreElec / openelec , which uses a different socket (/run/lirc/lircd.irtrans)

    But I noticed If I navigate to /run/lirc There Is No lircd.irtrans ?

    Ive been using LibreElec 8.0.1 as used in the thread (in an attempt to follow it exactly)

    Can anyone help please?

  • Hi,

    Ive Updated to LE 9.2 and tried again, still the same outcome,

    As I'm now using LE9.2 the Thread goes on to say that, lircdev" parameter has been removed from KODI Leia. Instead, of the "kodi-config" step , you now need to modify /storage/.config/system.d/kodi.service and add the following line:


    But As before,  The Remote still isn't working,  and If I navigate to /run/lirc There Is No lircd.irtrans ?


    I Now have the VFD Display and Remote (kind of) working,

    I noticed once kodi rebooted, the add-on LCDProc , which was configured to use the "irtrans" driver, was not starting, also The file I created with the line:

    ./irserver -logfile /var/log/irserver.log -pidfile /var/run/ - daemon /dev/irtrans0

    also wouldnt work, I ended up changing this to the full path:

    /storage/.config/irserver -logfile /var/log/irserver.log -pidfile /var/run/ -daemon /dev/ttyUSB0

    Then everything Worked!. (Irserver needed to be started Before LCDProc)

    BUT.... The Remote seems abit slow, when im Navigating up, down left or right in menus , and say press down 2 times fast, kodi would only register one key press? on windows OS, it didnt do this?

    Does anyone know how I can make this work?

  • Tell us details about your hardware.

    Which PC / NUC do you use?

    Which IR receiver do you use? (adapter or built-in)

    What's the complete model name of your remote control?

    Does the remote control work with other OS'es, like Windows?


    Im using a ASRock J4205-ITX motherboard

    IR Reciever is built into the Case

    Remote control is Microsoft MCE Remote

    Works Perfectly on Windows

    Will try and get a log file soon as I can.