UPNP client/ renderer is not working

  • I was hoping that the Pi/LE kodi box i installed would show up as an uPnP dlna renderer / client on my home network, but neither my win 10, not bubbleupnp sees the box as an upnp renderer. everything else work fine.

    i would like to cast videos / music from my laptop vlc / media player to the Pi/ LE box

    how could i diagnose why it is not seen?

    thanks in advance.

  • Videos and music are only sent out via UPnP from Kodi if they are first scraped into Kodi's video and music libraries. If you want a pure UPnP file server, then there are more dedicated applications such as MiniDLNA.

  • I have same problem with 9.2.0 on raspi1.

    After last upgrade, from 9.0, I lost upnp capabilities in Settings-Services. I have just samba, SSH,avahi,Cron, bluetooth options.

    I can't use kodi as renderer from Bubble upnp, I can't browse dlna servers from kodi and I have 2 servers running Twonky on different NAS.

    I have a old mount of a dlna music folder in Music section, but now it's not reachable.

    Any suggestions?

    Edited once, last by Cfret (December 22, 2019 at 3:05 PM).