tvservice says Nothing written!

  • Hello,

    I had to reinstall from scratch LE 9.0.2 RPi2 on a new sd card.

    As my TV in up after the RPi2, to get the good resolution I need to place the edid.dat file in /flash.

    The issue is that I can't create the edid.dat file


    LibreELEC:~ # tvservice -d edid.dat

    Nothing written!

    I tried in different place

    I can create a file with touch.
    What I do wrong?

    Thank you

    Edit: What tag should be used for terminal command?

    Edit2: I forgot to say the command is from a terminal on Linux computer with ssh

    Edited 3 times, last by MrNice (November 15, 2019 at 2:38 PM).

  • I reinstalled the sd card from image and now it's working fine.

    The only thing I can suspect is that I changed some parameters in the config.txt in the LIBREELEC directory when the sd card was in a card reader. Is it allowed?

    BTW is it allowed to copy files (music, video) in STORAGE when then sd card is in a reader?

    Thank you for your help