Can't ssh in.... but I have done it before???

  • (Wanted to make a new thread to get noticed)

    First, thanks for the tips on correcting HDMI sound. That all makes sense on reading...but...

    Nuts! I can't ssh in to the new Pi4. I seem to have everything set right. Win scp, correct ip, user: root Pw: libreelec....... ssh enabled on Pi... laptop and Pi on network ok.

    Only difference maybe is that both devices on a 5g network now? That can't be an issue.

    Thanks for any tips. Maybe upgrade my copy of Winscp?

  • Thanks, yes. On the winscp the port is 22 when I try both with SFTP or SCP. Now, I was looking for a port setting in Libreelec on Kodi but didn't see an option for that or change so I am correct in assuming port 22 is always the good default, or is there a possibility my version/software/hardware on the new Pi is another port?