Posts by Cisco2kid

    Ok, presumptuous. But I have tried everything and I done this before with older versions.

    All settings ok for SSH... double checked. IP correct, firewall off, port 22, root:libreelec entered, laptop and Pi4 online...

    and I still get no connection with Putty or Winscp. They won't talk.

    It must be the LE, no? Sure like to hear from a developer who suspects what is wrong with LE. Now if it is still me, I am very amazed.


    Thanks, yes. On the winscp the port is 22 when I try both with SFTP or SCP. Now, I was looking for a port setting in Libreelec on Kodi but didn't see an option for that or change so I am correct in assuming port 22 is always the good default, or is there a possibility my version/software/hardware on the new Pi is another port?

    (Wanted to make a new thread to get noticed)

    First, thanks for the tips on correcting HDMI sound. That all makes sense on reading...but...

    Nuts! I can't ssh in to the new Pi4. I seem to have everything set right. Win scp, correct ip, user: root Pw: libreelec....... ssh enabled on Pi... laptop and Pi on network ok.

    Only difference maybe is that both devices on a 5g network now? That can't be an issue.

    Thanks for any tips. Maybe upgrade my copy of Winscp?

    Hello ladies and gentlemen. Thanks for the opportunity to post. Please bear with me as I paste my post to the Kodi forum. I see there was once a response here to this problem but I would be really grateful for the latest news on this topic and any new ideas on a fix or workaround.

    The new Pi4 does not play audio (as did the Pi3) through the No. 1 micro HDMI to the home theatre receiver... only video. I see online this is also a problem for people plugging straight into various tvs. And the No.2 port plays neither video or audio.

    Someone in a Librelec forum posted this fix, but I haven't tried it. I will paste it below. But I would really like to hear from any forum members who have solved this in some way. And if no one has, well, just don't waste your money on the buggy Pi4 I guess.

    Thanks. I have a feeling I will reinstate my Pi3

    (and for the fix below, what is going on with the drive 2 setting? What drive?)

    Sep 8th 2019


    I solved it with hdmi_drive=2

    For anyone else who comes across this issue here's how to make the setting change. You need to have ssh enabled, then from another computer ssh to the libreelec box (replace ”libreelec” with the name of your box):

    ssh root@libreelec


    mount -o remount,rw /flash

    nano /flash/config.txt

    And add the line:


    Ctrl+o to save and Ctrl+x to exit nano. Reboot and it should all work. You should also consider adding the line:


    Which will ensure HDMI is used even if unplugged or the TV is off when the libreelec box is turned on.