imx6 upgrade from openelec 6.95 => No signal

  • I have only model i4p. Maybe there is a bootloader issues to not booting there (can't check that)?

    I'm wondering: why don't you copy KERNEL/SYSTEM files to openelec generated sd card? Then you don't need to use usb stick to boot.

    Edited once, last by vpeter (July 17, 2016 at 4:54 PM).

  • I have only model i4p. Maybe there is a bootloader issues to not booting there (can't check that)?

    I'm wondering: why don't you copy KERNEL/SYSTEM files to openelec generated sd card? Then you don't need to use usb stick to boot.

    Which files/folder would I have to copy? I have a feeling I will get the same issue. The issue is clearly with video output. Something happens that causes Kodi not to be able to output during booting and then it can't continue. It's that error:

    "EGL error in CreateSurface: 3003"
    "CreateWindow: Could not create a surface. Trying with a fresh Native Window."

    The same errors happen no matter how many times I try to reboot. So I don't think copying the KERNEL files will do anything but I guess I can try. Currently I am still loading using OpenELEC on SD then LibreELEC from USB and I don't have another SD card to test with. Give me some time to find another SD card.

  • are you even sure you are using libreelec from USB stick?

    I am defiinitely using LibreELEC from the USB stick. I understand your question but yes, LibreELEC is what boots up. I can show you the screenshot of LibreELEC options or LibreELEC version information screen.

  • I had the same problems: no signal after a partly fresh install. Installed diskimage LibreELEC-imx6.arm-7.0.2.img on the exisiting OpenElec SD card with help of Win32DiskImager. Booting LE sequence OK but after that a black screen (with 2 error-like beeps). After rebooting two or three times Kodi suddenly appeared and I was able to select the right video etc. Seems OK for now.

    Tip is to reboot a few times if experiencing a black screen, for me it seems to help.

    Cubox Pro Freescale I.MX6 Quad/DualLite (ARMv7 rev 10 v7l)
    LibreElec 7.02

    Edited once, last by RuudM (July 25, 2016 at 10:59 AM).

  • I had the same problems: no signal after a partly fresh install. Installed diskimage LibreELEC-imx6.arm-7.0.2.img on the exisiting OpenElec SD card with help of Win32DiskImager. Booting LE sequence OK but after that a black screen (with 2 error-like beeps). After rebooting two or three times Kodi suddenly appeared and I was able to select the right video etc. Seems OK for now.

    Tip is to reboot a few times if experiencing a black screen, seems to help.

    I tried rebooting many times (>10) but every time I got the same problem. I did not hear any beeps. My TV would also turn off after a few seconds, probably because Kodi could not display and it would use CEC to send power off signal to TV.

    Maybe in the future I will try installing LibreELEC from scratch and see if more reboots help. Currently I am just running it off the USB stick.

  • I can also confirm this problem with Cubox i4, never had it with OE, my install is from the scratch. It would be great if this could be fixed (my crash log is the same as posted above). If I can be of any help concerning testing, feel free to contact me. Thanks for the great work!

  • It would be great if this could be fixed

    Don't get your hope too high. For now the only real solution would be to use old 3.14 kernel. When LE 7.90.004 will be out I will build one such image. Maybe it will work, maybe it will not.

  • Don't get your hope too high. For now the only real solution would be to use old 3.14 kernel. When LE 7.90.004 will be out I will build one such image. Maybe it will work, maybe it will not.

    OK cool. Thx a lot. I'd like to give it a try if you provide the build. :)

  • Because blank screen issue can't be fixed by me I decided to build also imx6 images based on Linux kernel 3.14 from solidrun. It has some drawbacks but the most important part (video playing) should work.

    Forum thread LibreELEC