sorry this is a bit out of topic but i believe the most knowledgeable people to help me with this are on this forum, so i hope they can help me a bit.
Before i go on i'll say that i've been using OE/LE for a long time on numerous devices so i know what it does and does not do as a linux system and i understand why it was designed that way.
- short version :
my goal is to build an "all in one" linux box that would run a headless server system (ubuntu/debian) with kodi standalone on top of it.
- long version :
could i use an LE source (meaning not heavily hacking my way into it), for example kszaq's git for amlogic s905, as a base to build another linux distro, debian/ubuntu for example.
i'm not talking about a desktop system, a headless one with kodi standalone, much like LE but with a "real" server distro below it.
The idea being to keep all kodi/kernel optimizations for a specific platform, most likely s905/s905x, from LE.
I know that some of you will tell me that many "server" services (vpn, torrent..) can be installed on LE and i have done that but it is quite a painful process and will never match the ease of use of a fully fledged server system.
At the moment i tweak OE/Kodi, so i can switch kodi on/off but leave the system on.
I'm not quite used to manipulating whole systems like that and can't really anticipate what will or won't work, so that's mostly the kind of inputs i'm looking for.