Rpi 2 openelec to libreelec

  • hi all I try migrate to libreELEC but dont have update folder in openelec
    It is hiden i mark in kodi show hiden folder but can`t copy libreELEC to this folder
    my qestion is if I make clean install of LE and run backup that i make form OE itl will work
    or any idea how migrate it
    Please for any help

  • If i connect via putty to openelec and write command ls -all
    it show .update but if i connect via Winscp there is no update folder
    if i try make new here is answer

    any idea please

    ;) ;) :D :D Oh yes I did just copy file in putty to hiden update folder
    and have LibreELEC thank you

    Edited once, last by duke123 (September 25, 2016 at 4:17 PM).

  • WinSCP has to be configured to show hidden folders. What Klojum meant is to do the update via SMB like explained here:

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