Hi Guys,
While the trend is actually on home automation, I'm wondering if anyone has tried to push Homebridge into an addon ?
GitHub - nfarina/homebridge: HomeKit support for the impatient
If not, I might try to make this.
Hi Guys,
While the trend is actually on home automation, I'm wondering if anyone has tried to push Homebridge into an addon ?
GitHub - nfarina/homebridge: HomeKit support for the impatient
If not, I might try to make this.
Add-ons are quite a bit of work to create and sustain but most home automation kits/suites have a Docker image available, so this is the easiest way to run things (as long as you use x86/pi/imx6 kit where we support Docker). The container configuration file normally needs a little tweaking to map things to /storage but that's nothing too serious.
I'm trying to get this instance running, since it's already set up for Pi's (albeit under Raspbian and not LibreElec):
No success yet, but if I do get it working I'll make a fork specifically for LE.
Any guesses if HomeBridge will work inside this Docker?
Anyone for implementing Tor add-on?
An add-on (dependant on the Docker add-on), which will roll out the container, would be easy to use.
Anyway, I'll post a HomeBridge+LE step-by-step as soon as my Sonoff Touch arrives.
Here goes Homebridge in Docker on LE! Wetek Play2 (aarch64).
Running smoothly
Uses just 40Mb RAM and 350Mb space.
(change values according to your own LAN settings)
docker network create -d macvlan --subnet= --gateway= -o parent=eth0 macvlan
5. Build the container (I specified raspberry-pi branch for aarch64, Wetek Play 2) :
docker run --net=macvlan --ip --env HOMEBRIDGE_CONFIG_UI='1' --name=homebridge oznu/homebridge:raspberry-pi
6. Your Homebridge should be running by now and accessible using admin:admin via
For console debugging you can run ‘docker start homebridge -a’ via SSH.
By the way, I've just binded a Light switch onto a WP2 remote's key. Very useful at evening)
Native HomeBridge approach:
Control Tasmota switch:
Check this fresh lightweight HomeBridge plugin for controlling Kodi playback:
GitHub - DeutscheMark/homebridge-kodi: Homebridge plugin that provides details and controls for Kodi
Got my Kodi-Pause event hooked to lights and a front door already.