Anyone for implementing Tor add-on?

  • It was relatively easy to install official Tor client (Socks5 proxy daemon) on Windows platform.

    Using this proxy allowed Kodi to query some sites and indexers blocked in Russia.

    I was stunned that there was no easy was to deploy Tor proxy on the LibreElec WP2 platform - no ‘apt-get’ there.

    Any existing solutions out there or should I have luck with make install?

  • you could use docker (+ portainer for webui to manage it) for that purpose, not sure how easy to setup tbh

    bot are at the LE repo, you need to install the repo to get portainer (also at LE)

  • I’ve been reinstalling Docker.. Spent a few minutes to recover the right image.

    Here’s the working Tor for Wetek Play 2:


    From Docker Hub

    To make it work a TCP port 9050 should be published and /etc/tor/torrc updated with:


    Edited once, last by i3laze (August 11, 2019 at 1:04 PM).