3D (SBS/OE) results in blinking (beta2 / RPI2)

  • This week I moved over from openelec with an update. Finally tried out 3D today and it results in a blinking screen (to be precise, it looks like tv is losing signal and 3D switches on and off and at the same time tv goes black, back to image, than black and so on)

    This was working fine on openelec, but I had issues in the past, resulting in me changing cables, changing rpi config files for HDMI boost valies. In the end it was a combination of openelec updates and settings that fixed it.

    Just played the file with the two images sbs - next to each other and let the tv do 3d, that always works but results in horrific menu on pause and no subs support. Will test some more later as the kids are finally happy that it is running now. But should all kodi settings have remained the same, and are there any changes in libreleec vs openelec "raspberry"pi" settings, by which I mean stuff like hvs_priority=0x32fc and hdmi_clock_change_limit=20 etc? that affect specific hardware?

    -Seems like the option "Use full HD modes for 3D" was disabled after upgrade, is it possible that setting defaulted during migration from openelec?
    -really curious (not an expert so trying to understand), my file is 3d SBS, so two images in one 1080HD file, I always assumed this option was for "full HD per eye" movies?

    Edited once, last by jaspov (April 22, 2016 at 6:32 PM).