settings for Kodi goes back to default after a reboot

  • I run LibreELEC 7.0.2 on a Intel machine.

    It seems like the settings for Kodi, like home menu doesn't save, after a reboot it's back as it was when I rebooted.
    Looks also like the problem is the same for settings for addons.

    Is it someting with the permissions for the folder.

    I wonder if anyone knows how to fix it?

  • The only user in LibreELEC/Kodi is 'root', and it has all permissions for reading and writing.
    Plenty of people have used the Generic build on Intel systems, and so far you are the first one describing this type of problems.

    Please provide a full kodi.log file for starters. Look here for details.

  • If it's just the skin that's resetting then yes, switching skins will keep your settings. That's down to kodi not shutting down properly.
    The problem you describe in the first post sounds like something different - so it's just skin settings not saving?

  • There are changes in Kodi Krypton to save settings as you change things rather than on "everything saved on shutdown" which has been seen to cause problems on multiple OS platforms, it's not LE specific. If you have repeated issues you can access via SSH and "systemctl restart kodi.service" to ensure settings are saved outside of the normal shutdown process, or you can update to the current Alpha builds, which despite the "Alpha" name are solid on x86 kit; I've been running them for months (albeit on an nVidia GPU box).