Turn off backlight on iMON LCD

  • I have been messing around with this for awhile now and am looking for guidance. I have an old Antec Fusion case with an iMON LCD display. I don't really care if it displays information or not but the biggest deal breaker is the backlight on it not turning off when the I power off Kodi or suspend it. What I have done so far is install both LCDproc addons and configured it to use the imonlcd driver. I also modified the LCDd.conf file to set OnExit = 2 to supposedly turn off the backlight when it is shut down. I previously used OpenELEC and this worked fine there. Everything is showing up on the display according to the LCD.xml file the only issue is turning off the backlight.

    Any help would be appreciated.


  • Well, i do have the same case, and after trying for ages, i physically disabled the display by cutting it's wires from the lcd board.

    Under Windows modifying the config works and the display goes off but i never got it working in Linux.

    Besides the point that the display is utterly useless, but that is another discussion.

    I have chosen this way because i do want to have the remote support.

    The remote support works fine in LE, by installing the imon addon

    If you also don't care about the remote function, then disable the whole display by removing it's power and/or usb connector

  • I agree about the display being useless and am completely ok with disabling it but do still want the remote function. Which wires did you remove? I unplugged the power to the display but as you said it takes away the ir capability.

  • You have to remove the front panel completely (3 screws at the top inside the case, and 3 clips at the bottom) be careful not to break them.

    Carefully remove the panel and lay it flat in front of the case but use something soft to protect the front panel from scratching.

    Remove the lcd assembly by removing the 3 screws.

    Remove the lcd panel from the assembly with the screws.

    carefully cut the wires that come from the lcd panel to the pcb board, 1 on each side. (one should be enough, but i cut both)

    I did remove the flat wire too.

    Maybe it is enough to only remove the flat wire between the lcd and pcb, but i haven't test that.

    By only removing the flat wire the lcd will probably be lit, so that may not what you want.

    Use google to find images of how it will look and search for antec imon lcd