Amazon VOD not working - is the addon dead?

  • Hi Guys,

    My first post here. I was wondering if anybody had any ideas how to solve this little gotcha - i.e. AmazonVOD not playing video.

    I believe I've got the addon configured 'properly' (I also have netflix working) as I can log in with my account and I can see my favourites etc. but nothing plays when a show is selected, the wheel spins but nothing more.

    On this thread Varstahl says its broken due to Amazon changing some authentication stuff under the hood and the way around this problem is to use a browser.... From what I read libreelec (Kodi) doesn't support browsers due to no X11.

    So, is there a way around this or is the addon dead in the water?

    And apart from this small issue I'm loving libreelec on the rasbery pi 3 b+

    Many thanks

  • Google started to roll out a change to Widevine DRM that adds additional browser (environment) checking to more strictly enforce the browsers that can be used and Kodi fakes being a browser to obtain an L3 certificate. Several Kodi add-ons are impacted by the change and authors are aware and are likely researching how to work around it. Assuming something is possible (which is not guaranteed) it will likely take some time.