Folders thumbnails

  • Hi.

    I use LibreElec on a RasPi 3B+ which connects to a local network HDD containing my library.

    I use differents sources in this hard drive to separate documentaries, movies, musical videos, shows, etc… and LibreElec ask me for a thumbnail for each of these sources.

    But each of these sources is arranged and classified in different subfolders. I'd like that LibreElec use a thumbnail or icon too to help visually differentiate these subfolders but I can't see any option for this. Could it use the icon used for each folder in the local drive ? Or a png file contained in each folder ? In the worst case, could it use a thumbnail I define on case by case ?

    Thanks for your help and please excuse my poor english… :shy:

    Edited once, last by Anard (April 4, 2019 at 4:08 PM).

  • and LibreElec ask me for a thumbnail for each of these sources.

    That's something that never happened to me before. Are you using a different skin or perhaps some kind of wizard? (The latter will possibly halt all support to you).

  • Sorry, it doesn't ask it to me but when I have a source and I navigate in Videos -> Files, I right-click on my source and then can choose a thumbnai ;)