Netflix doesnt start content

  • Hello everyone,

    I've used the Netflix-addon for a few months, but currently it doesnt working anymore. I can Login with my account and can search the library, but when I try to start a Video, the loading circle appears and then vanishing without starting the Content. When I check the logfile, there is an error: "2019-03-31 12:21:39.954 T:1445790576 ERROR: GetDirectory - Error getting /usr/lib/kodi/addons/inputstream.adaptive/". I checked the Directory, and the Folder is missing. I tried to update the inputstream-app, libreelec and Netflix, but it doesnt fixed the Problem. Is there a known issue?

    LibreELEC 9.0.1

    Netflix 0.13.22


    Thank you very much for your help.



  • Apart from the Netflix addon, you apparently also installed several, what Kodi refers to as, banned add-ons. Repositories and add-ons that facilitate video piracy.

    As per our and Kodi forum rules, support will halt right here. You can either provide a clean kodi.log of your system, or find your support elsewhere.