No video on playback of HVEC MKV (ODROID C2)

  • Hello,

    I just got my ODROID C2 and wanted to try playing some my files.

    When playing some files the do not seem to be able to play, specifically there is either no response on the first try to play the video (just the default loading animation) or on the second try (after pressing Esc to stop the loading circle) there is only sound and no video (black screen).

    The files are MKV with H265.

    I search the forum and could find similar reports but no solution was provided besides downgrading:

    Issue during videos with my odroid C2 and libreelec 9

    Understanding 265 and HEVC Playback

    The problem does not occur when I try to play the files using Kodi on my workstation. Other players like MPV or VLC also work without issue.

    Also I checked the old 8.1 version on my ODROID-C2, the problem is present as well.

    Which leads me believe the problem to be specific to LibreELEC (on ODROID C2).

    I created a log, when trying to play one such file: 2018-06-22 13:11:52.412 T:4086914992 NOTICE: ------------------------------- -

    What I could find in the log were the following lines, which may help identify the problem:

    2019-03-16 22:05:27.212 T:3539100528   DEBUG: CVideoPlayerVideo - video decoder returned error
    2019-03-16 22:05:46.154 T:3890393968   ERROR: CDVDVideoCodecAmlogic::Open - InstanceGuard locked
    2019-03-16 22:05:46.155 T:3890393968    INFO: CVideoPlayerVideo::OpenStream - could not open video codec
    2019-03-16 22:05:46.155 T:3539100528   DEBUG: CVideoPlayerVideo - CDVDMsg::GENERAL_PAUSE: 0

    Here is the video mediainfo of one of the problematic files:

    The difference I could find between working files and the ones that are not is the line of the format profile.

    Working ones have "Main 10@L4@Main" and not-working ones "@L4@Main". So the first part is missing, maybe this is stumping Kodi?

    I would appreciate some pointers in fixing the issues.

    Thanks in advance.

    Edited 4 times, last by flashi99: Further infos (March 17, 2019 at 12:43 PM).

  • I would be interested in your findings as ive recently had a notion to look at odroidc2 as a replacement for my minix box.

  • I would be interested in your findings as ive recently had a notion to look at odroidc2 as a replacement for my minix box.

    Sry, no solution on my part.

    Problem still exists, if there are no replies maybe I'll try opening a ticket.