Netflix, Hulu, etc streaming on LibreElec

  • So on kodi 18 I see all this talk in the release about how it is now capable of playing back from your streaming accounts.

    But, the only way I've found to do this is by using blacklisted repositories.....

    So - is there some way to use this "official" feature without using a "blacklisted" repo?

    If so, could someone share this with me?

    If not - why the hell is it listed as a feature in the release notes?

  • Because, my dear Watson, those are not official features. And will likely never become official features.

    You can find multiple threads on Netflix and Hulu on the Kodi forum as well.

    Well, ok. I sure don't see anything here about it being an "unofficial" feature.

    Kind of weird to make an unofficial feature that isn't explicitly stated as being unofficial in the changelog - and also just happens to be in the bullet points of what's new kodi_v18_(leia)_faq#what_are_some_of_the_noticeable_new_features.3f

    I'm sure you're right - I'm sure that there's some buried bit of text that identifies it as unofficial - but it's definitely not obvious.

    To be fair - LibreElec does actually say that it isn't official, so props to them for clarity. I couldn't find where Kodi says that though (but again, I'm sure you're right).

  • K18 has officially added the ability to play DRM'd content via inputstream.adaptive and a helper add-on that acquires the needed Google libwidevine libraries with varying degrees of complexity. There are also unofficial community add-ons for Netflix/Amazon (and some others) that leverage the DRM playback capabilities. These are not official in two senses: a) not distributed via the official Kodi repo, b) not endorsed or created by the respective content providers. Several content providers have indicated that adding them to the official Kodi repo will trigger action. so they remain available only from their unofficial but well known (non-pirate) repo sources that are safe to install.