[Solved] SSH - no route to host

  • Hi guys,

    so I have a acces to a Linux Mint Notebook, and a Win10 - Desktop and an Android phone.
    All three of them are in the same WIFI as my Raspberry Pi3 with the the last LibreELEC - Nightly.

    Whatever I do, and just can't get acces to my Pi via SSH. SSH is activated in LibreELEC, of course.
    I use the IP I see in "System Information",together Port 22.

    I've tried Putty, terminal, serverauditor (android) - with none of them I can't seem to connect. It's always "no route to host" or another error.
    I can't even Ping my Raspberry.

    Is there anything I might have overseen ... or ... I don't know.

    Any tips, please :/ ?


  • Are you using the correct un = root and password = libreelec.

    Thank you for your answer!
    Of course, I am :)

    As I said, I can't even ping the Raspberry. I really don't know what I could do :/

  • What are you using as address: hostname or ip address?

    Never mind, IP, i see it now.
    Is the WORKGROUP name correct for your network?
    You may have to change that in Kodi's network settings.

    Edited once, last by Klojum (April 20, 2016 at 8:59 PM).

  • What are you using as address: hostname or ip address?

    The IP address, the one that it shows under "system information".

    Edit 1: Right, the Workgroup. I'll check that right away.
    Edit 2: Just to be sure, does the Workgroup really matter in Linux? I'm on Linux Mint at the moment...

  • I'm not really sure what else to say.
    All my electronical devices are connected to the same (wireless) network, through the same router.
    I wish I could give you some output via linux, but I really can't think of anything.

    I've tried it with OSMC as well, by the way. So the problem definitely seems to be on my side :/

    Edit: The router is a Fritz!Box, by the way. Latest firmware, the network is secured by a WPA2 password and is running on 2.4 and 5GHz.

  • What IP and netmask has your PI, what IP and netmask have the other devices in the network.

    Is your wireless connection setup as a guest network, or do you have AP isolation activated.

  • Hey grimson, thanks for your answers :) !

    The network is not set up as a guest network!
    My notebook (linux mint) has the standard netmask,; same goes for the Rasbperry Pi.

    The MAC Adress is different, of course. But they have the same gateway/route.

    For the IPs. The first 9 numbers are the same, so its 1**.1**.1**.XX - so only the last two numbers are different.

    I really can't figure out where the problem lies -.-
    Never mind.
    I just found it out. It was just an option in my router that I had to switch on ("allow devices to communicate with each other").

    Man, thanks for everyone who answered!