WeTek Hub - 9.0.1 Kodi No Video Signal

  • Hi,

    I upgraded my Hub from 9.0.0 to 9.0.1 everything seemed normal with the upgrade process. After restarting, just when you are expecting Kodi to appear on the screen, my TV shows "No Signal" notification.

    At the time I was able to SSH in and check out the Kodi log file. The log seemed to show a normal start but then just stopped without any error message(no debugging was enabled). My first thought was maybe the SD card had somehow become corrupt so... I format and do a fresh install but to no avail and now I don't have SSH access.

    Anyone know where I can download 9.0.0 to test?

  • So... I did a fresh install of 8.2.x and setup SSH then upgraded to 9.0.1 and now no video signal again. SSH in and Top is showing Kodi is running. So I'm thinking maybe some sort of resolution issue with my TV or AVR.

    Anyone have any ideas where to go from here?

  • In case this helps someone...

    I did another fresh install of 8.2.x and noticed that the resolution in Kodi's system settings was set to a 4K resolution. I changed this to 1920x1080, set up SSH, time servers etc... Then upgraded to 9.0.1 and finally success.

    First boot I was greeted with 640x480 resolution but was able to change it to 1080p. So it seems that 9.0.x is detecting some resolutions that my TV will not display.

    • Official Post

    Weird... My Wetek HUB hasn't had such issues.

    Perhaps the small HDMI cable that was provided with the WHub is a bit allergic of your TV?