Great Development

  • Hi Guys,

    I really had no reason to register other than a desire to get involved in the community.

    This development is excellent. I have been an OpenELEC user and big big fan for years, however the moment I noticed the slow down (for whatever reason) of the development was a sad day for me BUT they say "when one door closes, another opens". A quick nudge from someone on the unRAID forums led me to LibreELEC.

    From the ease at which I upgraded from OpenELEC (which was unbeleiveably easy) to 3 months later (Now) your development is great and I have now upgraded (and YES I do see it as an upgrade) all my NUC's with LibreELEC.

    Thanks and Great Work!


    Edited once, last by danioj (September 3, 2016 at 12:54 PM).