- Official Post
Do you know how to put SSL certificates on it?
Sorry, well beyond my knowledge of Docker. Maybe dtroncy will be able to get it operating.
Do you know how to put SSL certificates on it?
Sorry, well beyond my knowledge of Docker. Maybe dtroncy will be able to get it operating.
Right! Thanks a lot for your help, for make the docker version and everything else!
dtroncy is working on it! He make an modifications today, and now opensubtitles are working, but legendastv are not yet.
When him fix I update here!
It's working now!
When he made the modifications I mentioned before, he already fixed! Just doesn't work because I had a cache of the previous version. I cleaned
docker run --rm --name subliminal -v subliminal_cache:/usr/src/cache -v /var/media:/var/media -it dtroncy/rpi-subliminal cache --clear-subliminal and now it working!
Thank you very much Iridium for helping!
For the record:
For install it you need docker first Add-ons > Install from repository > LibreELEC Add-ons > Services > Docker
and after just need to do docker pull dtroncy/rpi-subliminal
This is how I use it on cron for searching for subtitles, in just one provider, in pt-BR language, at every 6 hours:
0 */6 * * * docker run --rm --name subliminal -v subliminal_cache:/usr/src/cache -v /var/media:/var/media -it dtroncy/rpi-subliminal --legendastv username password download -p legendastv -l pt-BR -a 1w /var/media/Seagate\ Backup\ Plus/Kodi/Filmes/ /var/media/Seagate\ Backup\ Plus/Kodi/Seriados/
More info: Welcome to subliminal! — subliminal 2.1.0.dev documentation and GitHub - dtroncy/docker-rpi-subliminal: DockerFile for Subliminal on Raspberry PI
If cron is like systemctl then you need the full path of the docker executable. Something like /storage/.kodi/addons......./bin/docker.
which docker should show the full path
If cron is like systemctl then you need the full path of the docker executable. Something like /storage/.kodi/addons......./bin/docker.
which docker should show the full path
I did this and now show “The input device is not a TTY”
I removed de -it, like suggested here and it worked
Thanks again Iridium
Now cron is this way
0 */8 * * * /storage/.kodi/addons/service.system.docker/bin/docker run --rm --name subliminal -v subliminal_cache:/usr/src/cache -v /var/media:/var/media dtroncy/rpi-subliminal --legendastv username password download -p legendastv -l pt-BR -a 1w /var/media/Seagate\ Backup\ Plus/Kodi/Filmes/ /var/media/Seagate\ Backup\ Plus/Kodi/Seriados/