Upgrade LE 8.2.5 to 9.0.0: Wifi connected but no NTP link => SSL Certificate error !

  • I'm not really sure why change in connman would help here because the problem is that UDP packets which carries NTP response data are dropped in kernel when using wifi (because of wrong TOS).

  • The police call it "eliminating suspects from your enquiries" .. I wasn't expecting a result, but wanted to know either way. The changes prevent the issue where we attempt (and never remove) ipv6 servers from the list of possible servers to use in addition to ipv4 servers.

  • Hello chewitt, vpeter,

    Do you know if the issue described in this thread is now fixed in the 9.0.2 release ?

    I would like to update to kodi 18.2 and before that, I want to be sure to not meet again a NTP sync problem...

    Thank you.

  • vpeter, you are the best !!!

    I try this and I will tell you if it's ok. No matter about the version number, I can live with...

    Last question, do you know how escalate this issue to have it fixed definitively in the right source code ?

  • Well, chewitt could ask RPi guys one more time about this issue. Seems there are only few people affected. You could also write on github issue on a link where this workaround is posted.

  • Just wanted to confirm that I had the same problem with 9.0.2 (no NTP time sync), which was fixed by installing this build.


    I was running 9.1.501 on a Rasperry Pi 3 Model B when I encountered this NTP problem after a change in my network (moving DNS from one server to another) I assumed I had done something 'wrong' but other devices were fine after the change. The Pi/LE worked fine when connected (hotspot) to my mobile, so I was a bit baffled. I didn't know if there was some DNS issue on my home network.

    However, the 'curl' instruction given up-thread worked so I tried the fix build too. Problem solved - but am I stuck on this build now? I don't know if it'd be useful for me provide more info (debug logs, whatever else) but I am happy to do so :)

    Edit: I'm using the onboard WiFi. A second Pi I have (also running 9.1.501) is running wired and had no problem after me changing the DNS.

    Edited 3 times, last by LesG: additional info (October 20, 2019 at 2:39 PM).

  • As you can see you don't get any response back from NTP server (which listen on port UDP 123). Routing table seems fine. Are you using some firewall? Does any other network action works like curl?

    curl http://libreelec.tv

    As a temporary workaround you could set time like this (from autostart.sh maybe periodically):

    date -s @$(curl -s 'http://timeapi.herokuapp.com/utc/now?\s')

    Hello, I am currently having the same issue on a RPi1 with LE 9.1.502 and can confirm the above workaround work. I haven't yet been able to determine what is causing my NTP packets to drop. Any help on this issue would be appreciated.

    Edited once, last by hcastro: I forgot to point out that as this is a RPi1 the issue is not limited to the wifi, but also to the wired connection. (November 14, 2019 at 4:34 PM).