How can one install on a HDD with the writer utility?

  • I'd like to install on an HD... SSD of course.

    I'm not too keen on installing on a SD since the write cycles are a bit low.

    And my database is a bit big.

    The utility installs, and sees, only removable devices. Is there any trick to make the writer utility write to an HD? Possibly a switch?


  • I thought so too but its not working out that way.

    I have a USB dock to drop in 3.25 and 2.5 drives. I usually use it to image/clone HDs

    but the writer utility, I guess, see it as a solid disk, not removable.

    So... no go on that one.

    You know it would be SOOO easy for them to just take out the routine that looks for removable and let people select any drive.

    I guess they're protecting the ignorant.

  • It's unusual for a USB dock to be seen as non-removable but it's all down to the dock firmware and how it presents to the host OS. Preventing writes to non-removable devices is a well proven method for stopping n00b users from overwriting their host OS - it's not going to be changed.