Operating System: LibreELEC (community): nightly-20190125-2cc1b2b (Odroid_C2.arm)
Hardware: Hardkernel Odroid-C2
uname -a:
Linux --- 3.14.29 #1 SMP Fri Jan 25 09:50:05 CET 2019 aarch64 GNU/Linux
When installing Hyperion (v9.0.108) as an addon in kodi on LibreELEC 9.0, the start-script does not start the hyperion-aml internal video grabber.
This results in not having screen updates sent to hyperion and therefore no working ambilightning.
For me, the following addition to /storage/.kodi/addons/service.hyperion/bin/hyperiond.start at the end of the file resolved the problem:
# for odroid-c2
if lsmod | grep "amlvideodri" &> /dev/null ; then
echo "amlogic video driver detected"
exec hyperion-aml &
echo "NO amlogic video driver detected"
hope, this helps