macOS file sharing

  • Hi.

    I've installed LE on, a RasPi3B+ and it searches my Videos on a shared disk on my computer (it's a HFS+ disk).

    It's OK when my computer boots on Ubuntu. For this I was forced to set LibreElec's preferences to use Samba 1 only but it works (Preferences -> Services -> Samba -> Minimum supported protocol = Maximum supported protocol = SMB1). With other settings, it didn't work.

    My current problem is this computer can boot on macOS too. My medias disk is shared in macOS and doesn't require authentication to read it's content.

    When I try to connect the RasPi to the PC under macOS, it answers "Operation not permitted". I don't understand why.

    It's OK if I configure the video source as a ssh server. But in this case, I have to save in LE a couple user/password what I find unsecure. I'd prefer to connect as guest, so LE would not have write access to the disk and my password would not be stored in LE's configuration.

    Could you help me to configure it correctly ? Here is a copy of my macOS configuration :



  • But in this case, I have to save in LE a couple user/password what I find unsecure.

    You already found out that only SMBv1 works in a certain situation. It's very possible that MacOS updated its Samba server settings to a SMBv2+ configuration, basically because SMBv1 is a network nightmare with more holes than a Swiss cheese. Try googling for "WannaCry" and see what the result of that hack/worm/virus was.

    Samba v2 and up does not allow for network browsing. You also need a user account with full credentials, login name and a password.

    So either you manage to have MacOS use SMBv1 as well, or you find a way to have all your network devices compatible with the more secure SMBv2 or higher.

    Alternatively, you can try setting your network up supporting NFS, which handles users in a different way. MacOS should be able to support that too.

  • So. I did several tests.

    I've edited settings in Kodi : Preferences -> Services -> SMB Client with "Minimum supported protocol = SMBv2, Maximum supported protocol = SMBv3".

    Kodi can't see my macOS server (in Files -> add a source -> smb, there's nothing).

    If I set "Minimum supported protocol" to SMBv1, it can see my macOS server. When I add a new source, I can see "WORKGROUP -> macOS". But when I select "macOS", it still answers "Operation not permitted".

    I tried too to write in Kodi my administrator user name and password with no result. I'd be OK to create a "LibreELEC" user on macOS with full credentials, to give it access to my shared videos but it doesn't work.

    When booted on Ubuntu, it's now OK even with "Minimum supported protocol = SMBv1" and "Maximum supported protocol = SMBv3" (first time I though I had to set also "Maximum supported protocol" to SMBv1).

    EDIT : I have found another option in Kodi. When I set "Maximuum supported protocol" to SMBv1, I can check "Use legacy security" (I don't know what does it mean). With these settings, when I try to connect to my macOS server, it answers "Connection time out"...

    It's not better... but different :rolleyes:

    Edited once, last by Anard (January 19, 2019 at 11:46 AM).