Timeout when downloading addon from LibreELEC reps

  • Hi,

    Trying to install inputstream.adaptive but seem to be getting a timeout from repo. Below are the relevant lines from log. Can anyone help

    18:00:30.906 T:1857024928 ERROR: CCurlFile::FillBuffer - Failed: Timeout was reached(28)

    18:00:30.907 T:1857024928 ERROR: CCurlFile::Open failed with code 0 for inputstream.adaptive-

    18:00:30.908 T:1857024928 ERROR: CAddonInstallJob[inputstream.adaptive]: failed to download special://home/addons/packages/inputstream.adaptive-

    Many thanks


  • The add-on server has rules that allow access from LibreELEC clients. Web browsers are not LibreELEC clients.

    I'm not aware that add-on downloads are a general problem - and if the server was problematic we'd see more reports of problems. At the moment there is still a single server located in Germany that hosts all the files and we haven't mirrored them like we do with distro images. Our user numbers have grown quite a bit in the last year though, so it might be time to think about mirroring or adding a second server somewhere else.

  • I looked at the performance/monitoring stats on the releases server and there's a visible load spike whenever we push a beta release out but overall loads are normal and even the release spikes aren't particularly excessive. The only I/O spike we see is a weekly snapshot of the server, but that's over and done within a minute. I'd guess it was a random transient network issue somewhere or an ISP caching issue .. so "nothing to see, move along please" applies I think :)