When the tempo control key mapping is enabled for variable speed video playback, the audio is muted when the speed does not equal 1.0. The desktop version of Kodi functions correctly. This issue is present on Raspberry Pi when using the YouTube add-on. I dont have other hardware to test and cannot determine if the problem originates in the Kodi videoplayer component or the RPi audio driver.

Audio is muted when video playback speed changes [tempo control]
LE23 -
January 1, 2019 at 2:09 PM -
Thread is Resolved
- Official Post
Almost certainly Kodi, and should be reported to their developers via their forums (with appropriate debug logs/evidence).
It turns out the issue only affects RPi.* The OMXPlayer component does not support audio resampling, so you must disable OMXPlayer hardware acceleration in System | Player | Videos