From this post I would say there are issues? But I'm no expert on certificates (despite that I implemented different transport protocols in our products including TLS): Obtain certificate for my DDNS domain - Help - Let's Encrypt Community Support
How to connect to Filezilla FTP over TLS server to stream music?
Naass -
December 27, 2018 at 3:30 PM -
Thread is Unresolved
I know I guy who is using SFTP without a problem.
Maybe you should check kodi log for any clues what is wrong. I'm using HTTPS also without a problem.
Ok Guys, my initial question/problem was answered/solved as I could connect to Filezailla server over TLS and could stream music.
Though this solution is not usable as Coreelec takes roughly 30 seconds to display the list of artists and when it takes more than 150 seconds to scan and disply the list of an album songs. Then the streaming of the song goes smoothly.
I also noticed that CE doesn't populate its local library when the remote FTPS contents are scanned.
I spent these past two days trying to iinstall WebDAV withh SSL using IIS 10, but failed. Can't see anywhere where I can create users/passwords and the self-signed certificate generated by IIS 10 is in pfx format. I tried to copy and convert this certificate to CE box on /Storage/.config, but I couldnt connect CE using WebDAV HTTPS. Already, II have not created any user/password but only the certificate because I couldn't find where to do so in IIS 10 manager.
I installed MAMP as suggested by The Wojtek and couldn't go very far as there is no place in the software to generate and/or add a certificate.
Therefore, I am knidly asking vpeter if you can guide me how to setup the HTTPS solution which I implied it is WebDAV HTTPS.
I've been struggling to find a solution for streaming over the internet for months and I presume someone who's not patient and hard headed like me would have given up since a long while. I really find it bizarre that given the technology progress and the didgital media streaming popularity, that there isn't loads of good solutions easy to install out there!
Thanks for your help. -
Was MAMP suggested because of using MAC? Because there are alternatives WAMP, MAMP and LAMP Stack : Install PHP, Apache, Perl, MySQL - Downloads
Or let me ask another way: for which operating system you need server part? I did test it on Ubuntu but not switched to use it yet (still on HTTP).
The server need to be on a Windows 10 machine as I would love to continue to have my media available for JRiver Media Centre that I use to play Hi-Res audio, DSD and DTS-Audio. I also use JRiver to access my media library from our Android phones using Gizmo app. Finally I use the DLNA server of the JRiver to stream media to the bathroom.
So ideally the WebDAV HTTPS or any other practical solution needs to be on my Windows 10 media pc (runs Home Eddition).
If I hit a wall, I will consider using an SBC with whatever Linux, Ubuntu, Openmedia Vault etc.. I have and Odroid XU4 and a Rock64 that I can dedicate for this installation.
In the meanwhile, I'll have a look tomorrow on the link you mentioned and see how it goes. -
You already mentioned VPN: would not that be easier to achieve? You only need to install VPN addon on LibreELEC and install OpenVPN server on your Windows where JRiver is running. I assume DLNA is used in JRiver?
This is where I started. But, I couldn't get to the end.
That was partly because I use OpenVPN on LibreElec to connect to a VPN provider. I couldn't figure out how to connect to two different VPN servers, the provider's one and my private server! -
Wait, you are NOT on the same VPN you want to connect to? You are not connecting home via a VPN spanning between the LibreElec unit and your home router? What is exactly the technical reason behind it?
This is quick install for WebDAV on Windows using XAMPP (install only Apache and PHP): Download XAMPP
After installation create password file for webdav user (-c creates new file!)
In file C:\xampp\apache\conf\httpd.conf uncomment modules, add auth_digest module and include dav
CodeLoadModule dav_module modules/ LoadModule dav_fs_module modules/ LoadModule auth_digest_module modules/ Include conf/extra/httpd-dav.con
In file C:\xampp\apache\conf\extra\httpd-dav.conf add before </Directory>
and start server.
This should work for plain webdav (no ssl)
Code<source> <name>Webdav on XAMPP</name> <path pathversion="1">dav://miki:[email protected]/webdav</path> <allowsharing>true</allowsharing> </source>
To make it running over SSL run
and set Common Name
Then copy file C:\xampp\apache\conf\ssl.crt\server.crt to LibreELEC box under file /storage/.config/cacert.pem and run
and use as a source
Code<source> <name>Webdav on XAMPP</name> <path pathversion="1">davs://miki:[email protected]/webdav</path> <allowsharing>true</allowsharing> </source>
Something like that Default webdav folder is C:\xampp\webdav\ and can be changed in C:\xampp\apache\conf\extra\httpd-dav.conf.
Wait, you are NOT on the same VPN you want to connect to? You are not connecting home via a VPN spanning between the LibreElec unit and your home router? What is exactly the technical reason behind it?
Well, I have OpenVPN on Libreelec and it is configured to connect to Cyberghost VPN provider servers on LE startup. I can connect/disconnect from Cyberghost VPN anytime I want or I can set it up in a way that it will connect to a CG server when I use a p2p add-on and disconnect when I want to use a movie streaming add-on.
Now, I don't know how to add another OpenVPN client to allow LE to connect to an OpenVPN home server to allow streaming media over the internet.
In any case, it is not easy or evident, as I do not find tutorials out there covering this situation.
Thanks Vpeter for the tutorial of xaamp/appache.
I managed to setup a WebDAV using IIS 10 manager. But, I have difficulty to connect to the server. Using Firefox browser, I have an error saying that the site is untrusted due to self-signed certificate. I have no button to r choice on the page to tell Firefox to trust my site!
I'll continue to fiddle out with Firefox connection and when I give up, I'll try xaamp/Apache.
The trouble is that I tried few solutions already on my media pc and I have no idea whether there is some conflicts due to that.
I try to uninstall and clean behind before installing the new solution, but I find some stuff left behind from the uninstalled software.
Thanks for you help and have a nice weekend.
Using Firefox browser, I have an error saying that the site is untrusted due to self-signed certificate. I have no button to r choice on the page to tell Firefox to trust my site!
On page you need to click Advanced, Add Exception and then Confirm Security Exception. Any other server will do the same because it uses self-signed certificates. You would need to install real one (like from let's encrypt) to overcome that. Or add CA for self-signed certificate to Windows.
Regarding VPN: You would need to make some script to switch between two VPN profiles. I assume addon doesn't support that out of the box.
One tip for VPN: Maybe it would be possible to "clone" VPN addon to different name and use second instance. One would be used for public VPN server and one for private at home.
On page you need to click Advanced, Add Exception and then Confirm Security Exception
When I click on Advanced, I have no "Add Exception" button! as you can see on the attachment.
Anyway, my frustrations hit the ceiling yesterday afternoon when my Beelink AP34 miniPC crashed (I suspect overheating) and since then refuses to power up!.
I'll take few days break to figure out how I'll move on from here.
Thanks a lot for your help Vpeter. -