Letterboxed 16x9 Videos with LibreElec 8.2.5 on Odroid C2

  • Which Part of my Setup Do you Think is To Blame? 1

    1. Odroid C2 Board (0) 0%
    2. Amlogic SoC (0) 0%
    3. Kodi (0) 0%
    4. LibreElec (0) 0%
    5. Something Else (1) 100%

    Specs: 1.5 GHz Quad-core Amlogic ARM Corext A53 CPU, 3 Mali 400 700 MHz GPUs, 2GB DDR3

    Log: Pastebin

    LibreElec Version: 8.2.5

    I'm running LibreElec 8.2.5 on an Odroid C2. Though, I'm not sure if the issue I'm experiencing is specific to either the board, SoC or the OS.

    Whenever I play a 16x9 video, the picture is stretched so that there's letterboxing on the screen (black bars on top and bottom). Yet, when I play a 4x3 video, there's no letterboxing. I'm sure the TV I'm using is 16x9, so I don't know why I'm having this letterboxing issue. I had an issue at first with overscan, but that shouldn't cause this issue, and I've already corrected for the overscan with Kodi's display calibration feature.

    Regarding the length of the log, I would have posted a log with examples from more videos, but I ended up having to provide a log with just one example because otherwise, the Kodi logfile add-on would give me an error message about the log being over a megabyte.

    Update: Turns out I just did a shoddy job during the part of the "video calibration" where you have to adjust the square with the left and right arrow keys to get it "perfectly square". It also turns out that if you want to do a really good job with the calibration, you should have a video playing behind it so you can be extra sure to get everything lined up properly.

    Edited once, last by Data: I mistook a flaw in either the hardware or software when in fact it was merely a user error, namely "video calibration". (December 26, 2018 at 7:53 PM).