Problem with T3 airmouse on Versions 8.90.006 and later, including 8.95.001 (RPi3)

  • It appears that support for this device was added in version 8.90.003 and worked correctly until 8.90.005.

    From 8.90.006 onwards, the 'cursor' mode works, but when out of 'cursor' mode, it appears that device arrows keys are being pressed continuously, and the menu buttons flash on and off on the screen seemingly randomly.

    I have tried using the airmouse with the latest Windows version of Kodi (RC3), and it functions correctly.

    Any ideas?

  • This problem continues with V9.0, running on a RPi3. It relates to the M3 2.4G Wireless Remote Control Keyboard Air Mouse, a picture of which is attached.

    To restate the issue:

    It appears that support for this device was added in version 8.90.003 and worked correctly until 8.90.005.

    From 8.90.006 onwards, the 'cursor' mode works, but when out of 'cursor' mode, it appears that device arrows keys are being pressed continuously, and the menu buttons flash on and off on the screen seemingly randomly.

    I have tried using the airmouse with the latest released Windows version of Kodi (v18.0), and it functions correctly.

    I attach a debug log on a clean system. The only action I took was to press the 'cursor' mode button to take it out of the cusrsor mode. After that the Kodi main menu buttons flicker on and off at high speed, as if the up and down arrtow keys were being pressed.

  • Hias,

    Thanks for the quick reply.

    Disabling mouse and touchscreen support has the following effect:

    1. In non-mouse or 'cursor' mode, the device works correctly, except that the blue 'OK' button has no effect.
    2. The mouse or 'cursor' mode does not work at all.

    From my point of view this has solved the problem, as I do not use the mouse mode, and the right-hand blue button with the "enter" symbol has the same effect as the "OK" button.

    Nevertheless, as I have noted, the device works with full functionality in version 8.90.003, and with Windows Kodi Ver 18.0 (I have just rechecked this to be 100% sure that there is no problem with the device). Although it is no longer critical for me, I would be happy to help you debug this issue. Just let me know what to do.

    Best Wishes,


  • A correction to my previous post. The blue 'OK' button DOES work in non-mouse mode.

    So the only problem is that the mouse mode does not work - that is, no mouse appears on the screen. This is not surprising, as mouse support is now disabled. But to repeat what I wrote in my previous post, the device works with full functionality in version 8.90.003, so something changed.

  • Thanks for testing!

    When searching for the USB ID in this ticket Problem with T3 airmouse on Version 8.95.001 and beyond (RPi3 B+) - LibreELEC Forum (2389:00A8) I found this bug report: 4.18 regression: composite usb mouse/keyboard went mad — Linux Input

    It suggests the problems started with kernel 4.18, which matches this description here (8.90.005 and before shipped with 4.14 on RPi, 8.90.006 switched to 4.18). Unfortunately the bug reporter didn't do a kernel bisect so it's unclear what exactly went wrong.

    So unless someone with the problematic device(s) can check when/what broke and discuss that with the kernel developer disabling mouse support in Kodi is probably the best option.

    so long,


  • Although I would be happy to help debug this, to the best of my technical ability, it's probably best to let the device manufacturer worry about resolving this issue with regard to the linux kernel.

    Best Wishes,
