So I've been reading up on current and upcoming boards as I'm considering investing in a new one for LibreElec. Currently it seems as though the two best options are AMLOGIC S905D for long term support or RK3399. Which would be recommended between the LibreComputer Renegade Elite, ROCKPro64 or something else? I want something that will at least be supported for LibreElec 19 and has a fairly straight forward install. I'm sceptical to Odroid C2 since that's running a fairly old kernel.
Futureproofed with good support
nooryani84 -
November 8, 2018 at 2:33 PM -
Thread is Unresolved
- Official Post
Currently none of both. Both is heavily under development and both should work with K19.
If you want something good supported today and at the future get some Intel Nuc.
How long can you wait?, generally Raspberry Pi's have the most stable performance and the longest software lives out of all the ARM SBC's, if an RPi 4 is due soon, I'd wait for that.
- Official Post
if an RPi 4 is due soon, I'd wait for that.
RPi4 is still vaporware, afaict.
And, nothing is future-proof. Just buy something cheap-ish for every 1-2 years and move on to the next-gen of htpc devices.
Well I don't need it quite yet, so I'll just wait for RK3399 support to mature.