Kodi want start after deleating all Emby related files

  • I am running Milhouse Builds from September I guess.

    I had some problems with Emby for Kodi. After searching through files via ssh, I figuered out that there are remainings of the addon even after deleating it. So I decided to remove them manually and in Addition remove also the db like MyMoviesxx.db.

    Now after restart I end up with the Kodi startup Logo.

    I can shh to the machine but don't know how to fix it.

    Unfortunately I didn't made an backup since I thought deleating emby stuff wouldn't hurt.

    Would be a pain in the ass to reconfigure espacially tvheadend.

  • you could try to rename the guisettings.xml and see if that fixes something.

    ssh in and try mv /storage/.kodi/userdata/guisettings.xml /storage/.kodi/userdata/guisettings-old.xml

    Then reboot.

    If that doesn´t help, I fear that we need to reset the Kodi installation completely by doing:

    mv /storage/.kodi /storage/kodi-backup

    then reboot

    With that change you will end up with a vanilla Kodi but all previous settings, changes, addons and such are stored in the "kodi-backup" folder. So they are not gone completely. You should be able to move specific TVH files to their new locations in order to not setup TVH from scratch completely. Probably CvH is able to tell you which files need to be copied to which location.

  • So with the renaming of the guisettings.xml Kodi starts again, but of course all settings are not present.

    I will try to replace it again and see what happens. Beside that I figured out that I have a backup from June, which I could try. If this doesn't work.

    But with this I would again need a solution to get rid of all remainings of the Emby for Kodi addon to get a fresh start for reinstalling it.

  • I restored the backup and updated the system and the addons. But again, I need to get rid of all emby related stuff to get a clean reconfiguration.

    Second thing I observed is that a big bunch of recordings is not listed under recordings in kodi.

  • So I figured out where I went wrong. Apparently deleting the content databases was fine. But I was a bit too eager and deleted textures.db and addons.db. I deleted almost everything emby related, the databases and removed emby from the sources, which was apparently enough. I was a bit fooled because the official release of emby isn't working correctly with current nightlies. After I downloaded the current beta of this addon I could configure it correctly and get my system in the desired state again.

    Regarding the recordings I guess I am missing the files in tvheadend dvr/log, which I cannot recreate. But it's not a big deal.