No Bluetooth device found (put your bluetooth device into discovery mode)

  • Hi to all.

    Im trying to get working a ps3 controller on libreelec 8.90.006 on raspberry pi 2.

    Well, i use a bluetooth dongle, that adaptor work before on OSMC... but i liked more libreelec. So...

    dmesg ---->

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    lsusb ----->

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    hciconfig -a -------->

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    Can somebody give me a hand please???


  • Yes i have enabled under services in the LE settings addon.

    Sorry, acctually without the adapter the bluettoth settings in the addon says "No bluetooth adapter found", and nothing else. When i put the bluetooth adapter says "No bluettoht device found. Please put your bluetooth device into discovery mode and start the scan"...

    And that... how would be??


    P.S. Now i connect the ps3 controller with usb, and the bluetooth recognize the joystick. and it's says Connected: Yes, and the address.

    Just one light get's on in the ps3 controller, like player one.

    But... dont get any move, any botton, nothing.

    I go to

    Setting/system/input and there Configure attached controllers....... anyway dosent work.


    Thanks for all.

    Edited 2 times, last by 9acca9 (October 15, 2018 at 8:09 PM).