What is The Box these days?

  • I've had alot of struggle with a chinese S905 based Android box, that boots to LibreElec from USB.

    So I've been thinking about getting a better one, but there are so many options that I'm puzzled what's the best right now.

    I have considered one of the Odroids, are all of them up to the task, how about other alternatives?

    Features appreciated:

    - It will be client only for my media server running Emby Media Server, DVBLink (old recordings), NextPVR (New recordings).

    - CEC support for TV remote usage.

    - 4K would be nice for future use, but Full HD will do

    - HDR-supported for future use would be nice, but not a must

    - Audio pass through to a home theater amplifier

    - Hardware decoding of modern video formats

    - Plugins I will use: Netflix, YLE Areena, Katsomo, DVBLink PVR, NextPVR, Emby

  • I think you will really have to do your own research and then ask the community if it will support LE. There are tooooo many boxes out there to comment on everyone of them.

    I use a Mecool M8S Pro + S905X and it will do everything you want, with the possible exception of booting from USB (Only because I haven't tried - no need to) - I boot from SD and then use EMMC for /storage. Works really well.

    If you want a fast Odroid, then the XU4 is the one to look to but at the moment, LE support for it is in development.

    The "Plugins" are O/S dependant, so not really applicable.