I've had alot of struggle with a chinese S905 based Android box, that boots to LibreElec from USB.
So I've been thinking about getting a better one, but there are so many options that I'm puzzled what's the best right now.
I have considered one of the Odroids, are all of them up to the task, how about other alternatives?
Features appreciated:
- It will be client only for my media server running Emby Media Server, DVBLink (old recordings), NextPVR (New recordings).
- CEC support for TV remote usage.
- 4K would be nice for future use, but Full HD will do
- HDR-supported for future use would be nice, but not a must
- Audio pass through to a home theater amplifier
- Hardware decoding of modern video formats
- Plugins I will use: Netflix, YLE Areena, Katsomo, DVBLink PVR, NextPVR, Emby