Installed LibreELEC-Generic.x86_64-8.2.0-dvb-1.1.img.gz and after selecting Digital Devices drivers tvheadend stopped working. After the reboot tvheadend client got no connection, what means tvheadend was dead. Switched to latest kernel 8.2 drivers and it worked again.
In have a DD Cine S2 v5.4. The driver for this v5.4 card is embedded into the kernel for years. tvheadend runs locally on the htpc.
I have not checked if tvheadend had shown other cards with this driver as it was written that my old config still works.
Continuity errors still exists. After 30 minutes I see 8 continuity errors, no transport errors yet and on hstp (localhost connection) i see two errors.
With 7.90.10 I always have 0, after hours.