Bad Twitch playback on Raspberry Pi 2

  • Hi, I was looking at updating my OpenElec Kodi 17.3 pi setup, so I downloaded and flashed my SD card to the latest LibreElec.


    Problem is, playing Twitch 1080p stream, I get audio but laggy video playback. Reverting to a re-flash of OpenElec 8.0.4 resolves the issue, with the same stream. Output is HDMI to a Samsung TV.

    LibreElec has only the Twitch 2.2.4 plugin added, nothing else.

    Anyone else have this issue? Or any tips as to how to resolve?



  • No joy. With 8.90.003 same playback issues.

    I turned on debug logging and it shows 8.5fps while the twitch stream is being played. Playback is smooth for a second or two then starts to lag.

    CPU showed 4 cores, moderately used (CPU-KODI was ~50%)

  • Which RPi? 2,3 or 3+?

    50% seems very high especially on 4 cores, so I'm guessing decoding.

    Stick with 8.90.003 and provide full debug logs (as explained in my signature), also the output of

    dmesg | paste

    top -b -n 30 | paste (When twitch is running)

    You could also try increasing the buffer in .kodi/userdate/advancedsettings.xml - but this is a last resort as the default settings should suffice.

    <advancedsettings>  <cache>    <buffermode>1</buffermode>    <memorysize>262144000</memorysize>    <readfactor>20</readfactor>  </cache></advancedsettings>

    Note: This is the MAX. For 24/7 systems you'll need to reduce the memorysize as Kodi uses 3x this value.

  • I have a feeling this could be due to python.twitch which hasn't been modified since 2016.

    19:24:02.033 T:1725891440  NOTICE: Twitch: Service: Start
    19:24:28.726 T:1809818480   ERROR: GetDirectory - Error getting
    19:24:29.673 T:1588134768   ERROR: Previous line repeats 6 times.
    19:24:29.673 T:1588134768 WARNING: script.module.python.twitch: API version |V5| is deprecated, update to |Helix| by |12/31/18|

    I think the best you can do is stick with OpenElec or try lower resolutions is the twitch setting. There is an open ticket for lagging Here

  • Thanks for that info. I added my 2c on the open ticket you provided.

    I do have a solution with sticking on OpenElec 17.3, but I would prefer to stay current, and the working OpenElec says it *should* work.