Guide to change the channel for a x10 remote

  • This works perfectly with LibreELEC.

    1. Change the channel on the remote

    Press 'setup¹' until 'OK' blinks. The blinks show the current channel.(4 blinks means channel 4). Now enter the new channel (1-16) and confirm with 'setup'.

    2. Change the channel in LibreELEC

    In a linux shell (bc² installed)

    echo "65535 - 2 ^ X" | bc

    Or use a calculator

    X is the channel.
    Channel 1: 65533
    Channel 2: 65531
    Channel 3: 65527
    Channel 4: 65519
    Channel 5: 65503
    Channel 6: 65471

    You will need this number for the driver.

    The next part is a small script for LibreELEC that unloads the driver and reloads it with the necessary channel (channel_mask). If you already have a, just add the modprobe lines.

    echo "#!/bin/sh" > /storage/.config/
    echo "modprobe -r ati_remote" >> /storage/.config/
    echo "modprobe ati_remote channel_mask=65527 mouse=no" >> /storage/.config/
    chmod +x /storage/.config/

    ¹ button with the globe
    ² bc is the 'Basic Calculator'

    Edited once, last by Don-Pedro (April 18, 2016 at 6:32 PM).

  • Well...rename this thread what it explains and do it here. Maybe we can split postings later after we either have a "How-To" section or we might create a page for our wiki for it.

    Anyway....I would start here at first. So if there might be questions or things might change, you are able to react and edit the how-to to whatever it should be like.

    Therefore I assume a "How-To" forum-section might be the way to go in the future for special things like that.