Help with mu MXQ S805

  • Hello gang, I have 2 MXQ S805 one I have it with root and dual boot external SD, the problem with this one is I installed the Kodi Krypton for Android 4.4.2 I also tried SPMC and the problem is the same I can use any addon and at any time of the movie, TV Series it stops and goes back to Android Home page and with Krypton it does the same but back to Kodi Home page........... I tried to upgrade to Android 5 but after I get the success warning the box just keeps rebooting back to recovery mode, since I used TWRP I re install the factory ROM and start from scratch with Android 4.4.2 and the problem of going back to home page after almost have the movie, now with dual boot external SD card it works flawlessly...........I will really like to have the external boot make it permanently without the need of external SD card if the Android problem cannot be fixed............. But first I will like to upgrade to Android 5 if there is another way to try it........let me upload photos of the board of the MXQ I got, both are the same and none say ENY nor any other brand..................

    1st I will like to try install Android 5 if there is no other way then I prefer the dual boot to be permanently from the box without dual boot nor the need of an external SD card........I am not sure if its called install librelec directly to nand or boxe's ram...........thanks in advance IPTVKid

    Here photos of the board, the case is all Black no stripes of any color, I can upload photos of the box where they came in case you need any info from there.........

  • Sorry, but we are not a Android installation support center. I'm sure there are much more suitable forums on the Intenet when it comes to upgrading old hardware to a newer Android version.

  • Sorry, but we are not a Android installation support center. I'm sure there are much more suitable forums on the Intenet when it comes to upgrading old hardware to a newer Android version.

    OK and installing libreelec directly to box so I dont have to use dual boot?

    Since the Android part doesn't work well then how to install directly to MXQ the libreelec so I don't have to use the external SD Card....................

  • OK and installing libreelec directly to box so I dont have to use dual boot?

    Since the Android part doesn't work well then how to install directly to MXQ the libreelec so I don't have to use the external SD Card....................

    Hi AZlink,

    I also have a piece of box with this PCB. Do you have the stock ROM for this S805 Rev 2.0 (20150806) board?

    I tried several ROMs, because the original ownership of the box crossflashed it to a different firmware.

    The kszaq's LE 8.2.3, and my LE 9.0.2 test builds are working properly on the box (m201d), but I want to use the factory original IR remote (0x40400001) instead of the remote of my M8S (0xfe010001), and I have an issue with the front red/blue LED control too.

    All this functions hardcoded to the original uboot, but I couldn't find it.

    If you (or someone) have the correct ROM, or a download link, or just the filename / build date / something usable information, please share with me.

    Edited once, last by dtech (September 11, 2020 at 1:03 PM).

  • I know it's been ages but are you still interested? I happen to have this exact board. The factory remote (with OX-3101-06 20151010 written on the PCB) works with your s805 LibreElec builds.

    I tried to install LE to the internal memory which deleted the stock android but the original uboot should be still there. I already gave up on it (because it won't boot from the internal nand and only boots from the SD card if i hold down the reset button while plugging in the power, which is a bit inconvenient for daily use) so i could even mail you the whole thing, assuming that you are based in Hungary.