How to add a program to Home screen?

  • I have the latest beta of LibreElec and am wanting to add Emulation Station to the list found on the home screen (Movies, Music, Wather, LibreElec) how to i add an addition program to the bottom of this list on the left hand side of the home screen please?

    Edited once, last by BlockABoots (August 14, 2016 at 1:12 PM).

  • Use a skin that supports custom items.
    If you're using the default it doesn't. There's a mod of the default on the kodi forum that does, or plenty of other options.

  • Thanks download the Estuary Mod skin.

    Im having issues actually working out how to get Emualtion Station to load thought, ive worked out how to name and add a icon for emualtion station and it how shows in the list on the home screen, but cant work out how to tell the skin to actually load ES when i click on it, if i go Settings>Skin Settings>Customize Main Menu> select ES and then select change action scoll down to Add-On and then select ES from there it just loades ES. How to i actually load ES when i click on it from the home screen??

  • No idea, as it sounds skin-specific and I only used Estuary for about 5 minutes. It would be worth asking in the skin mod thread over on the kodi forum.
    I'm presuming if you go to programs from the home screen and click on Emulation Station (which I know nothing about) it starts correctly. In my settings.xml (for xonfluence) I see lines like:
    <setting id="UserSubOne.1.Path" type="string">RunAddon(</setting>
    You should presumably end up with something similar for ES, but how you add it - other than by editing the .xml - well, as I said, no idea.