[SOLVED] Broken installation with LE7.0 (Beta 1)

  • First of all, congrats for your first release. Even if I experience some trouble now, I know it will work great eventually...

    * I run an OE installation on my HTPC (NUC HSW i5) from an internal SSD. This needs to work so I would like to keep it for the time being.
    * In order to test LE I wanted to install it on an external HDD, which I keep for these kind of purposes.

    What I did:
    * I downloaded the LE7.0 image and installed it on a USB stick
    * I attached the USB (installation) stick and the external USB HDD (for the LE test system) to my NUC and rebooted via the USB (installation) stick
    * I have chosen the external USB HDD as installation target

    What went wrong:
    * The installation went through fine, but after rebooting from the external USB HDD I received an on-screen-message:

    NEVER TOUCH boot= in extlinux.conf / cmdline.txt!
    If you don't know what you are doing,
    your installation is now broken.
    Normal startup in 60s...

    Not sure but speculating that the assignment of /dev/sd? devices went wrong, as they might have been assigned differently after reboot, when the USB (installation) stick was detached.

    Any help appreciated!

    Edited once, last by M4tt0 (April 17, 2016 at 7:34 PM).

  • Same thing would happen if you would install another OpenELEC system. Without specifying boot= and disk= in extlinux.conf you can't have two disks with installation. Or change this two parameters so it points to correct partitions.

  • Thank you very much, Sir!

    Replacing boot=/dev/sdb1 and disk=/dev/sdb2 in extlinux.conf on the external HDD did the trick. Just hope this will not be overwritten everytime I update. But will find out rather sooner than later...

    Thanks again, vpeter!


    EDIT: Just updated to latest Millhouse with EGL, Estuary and all the inputstream.mpd goodies. System still boots correctly!

    Edited once, last by M4tt0 (April 17, 2016 at 7:18 PM).

  • Hi,

    I use Wetek Play with Openelec.
    For the time being I dont want to completely change to Libreeelec.
    For this purpose in the internal Nand I have Openelec installation.

    I want to install Libreelec into Sd card. I did copy the image to my Sd card via rubus. However I get the same error:

    NEVER TOUCH boot= in extlinux.conf / cmdline.txt!
    If you don't know what you are doing,
    your installation is now broken.
    Normal startup in 60s...

    What am I doing wrong. There is no "extlinux.conf" file in the bootable partition. I did created one but no success. The same error as above.

    I also tried a manual install to sd card as described under:
    Manual Installation - OpenELEC

    No success. The sd card didnt even booted.

    Can somebody help me?

    I can not see a clear instruction how to install libreelec into sd card.

  • LibreELEC same issue. Make a backup and update OE to LE.

    What I am trying to do is to have two seperate systems. I will use one operating system on nand storage and another one on sd card whenever I need it, I want to olug sd card in and use the second system.

    What should I do? Do you have any solution for that

  • Hi Onur,

    Sorry for the late reply. If I remember correctly I found the file on the system partition when mounting it as writable on some Ubuntu or Debian Virtual Machine. Any native, virtual or Live Linux should do really.

    Hope this helps...

  • Well, as outlined above, i.e.
    If(!) you have some Linux experience:
    (1) Figure out under whiche devs the SD card partitions are mounted on your Wetek (booting your existing OE installation and just inserting the SD card later)
    (2) Edit the extlinux.conf file as I outlined above but inserting the devs you figured out above. Even better: Use unique identifiers for the partitions in question --> google will help

    But if you have no clue what this is about, I would suggest a different approach:
    (1) Simply backup your existing installation.
    (2) Install LE on top of it and take a look: Don't know your system or needs, but consider it likely a recent LE will make you happier than your existing system. At least that has been the case for me... ;)
    (3) If you like it, keep it
    (4) If you don't, simply "upgrade" to your old system, restore your backup and stay with it.

    Just for you information: I ran the dual boot system for about 2 weeks when I updated my internal SSD and haven't looked back since...

  • For 1)no problem. I can see.the name of the devs.
    2) I can not find extlinux.conf file

    Where is it? Is it in openelec installatin withind nand. Or in sd card installation?

    Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk

  • On the SD card. I assume you enter into the boot menu of your BIOS and select whether the to boot from the NAND or the SD. Then it would be comparable to the situation I have been in. Want to make sure as I have never had a Wetek.
    And another question, just in case: Do you use UEFI or legacy mode in your Bios?

    Edited once, last by M4tt0 (August 26, 2016 at 5:27 PM).