8.2.5: change LE samba server password

  • I'm a new LibreElec user. I'm running 8.2.5 on a raspberry pi 3.

    I'd like to enable the samba server but am not comfortable leaving the default username and password (or at least not leaving the default password).

    From a current macOS version, I can connect to the LE samba server with the default username and password. If I change the password in the LE add-on settings though, I can no longer connect from macOS (the username and password combination is refused).

    It should be possible to change the password (and username), no?

    Any hints?

    • Official Post

    I've tested change of username and password on 8.2.5 and current alpa (master branch) builds from High Sierra and it works fine.

    Did you cache the original (default) credentials in the macOS keychain?

  • Thanks for checking!

    No, I tried first with non-default username and password, and ticked the option to store those credentials in the keychain. I later tried to use the default username / password, which works fine. I then tried again to change just the password, but was again unable to connect.

  • For anyone who's come to this old thread because they had the same issue as the OP: try removing any special chars (in my case '.' and '&') from the new samba password. Fixed the issue for me on 9.1.502 . I haven't yet bothered to work out which of the two chars was causing the problem.