LibreELEC-RR 9.x [ Emulationstation | Retroarch | Pegasus | DolphinQT | Moonlight | Chrome | Spotify ]

  • Because the display port is 1?

    Well post a full log zip. I've carried my kitchen TV now to my workstation and it works flawless with my Nvidia GTX 1060.

    Maybe you have to blacklist snd_soc_skl too. I have no clue if the Intel card just sends the audio through the GTX card.

  • ah, I see. No, what I meant is to build a docker image with LibreELEC to test stuff, not the opposite :S . So let's say I'd like to bundle my own package to LibreELEC build and I also want test it. It's kinda time consuming to deploy the image to a device after each compile procedure, would be cool to make docker image instead to plug the image with docker and test a package right away.

    I don't think that that's the intention of a Docker image. What you need is a VM. Also keep in mind that a VM does not exactly reproduce a real system and all of it's quirks.

    So, you're saying you have this enabled on your x86_64, and you don't experience any audio delay for 23-24 Hz media? :/

    I have plenty of 23.xx Hz media and never thought that the audio is out of sync. I guess if this would be a common problem many users would complain about it.

  • Sorry, where can I find the zip?

    Read the start post I've linked the steps. So you already tried to blacklist the kernel module? Basically there are two options either the new Nvidia driver has still audio issues but it works here & all output devices are listed. Or option B the Linux Kernel 5.0 doesn't work out of the box with your CPU.

  • I guess if this would be a common problem many users would complain about it

    But that's what I'm trying to explain, by default this is disabled . If you didn't turn it on, it's disabled for you, same as for many users.

    When this is disabled you don't care about 23.xx Hz media because automatically that becomes 60 (or whatever your kodi defaults) Hz media. By enabling the option video plays even more smoothly, so I like to use this option.

  • But that's what I'm trying to explain, by default this is disabled . If you didn't turn it on, it's disabled for you, same as for many users.

    When this is disabled you don't care about 23.xx Hz media because automatically that becomes 60 (or whatever your kodi defaults) Hz media. By enabling the option video plays even more smoothly, so I like to use this option.

    All of my systems have this option enabled. So all my Intel or ARM based stuff and I have no problems with delayed audio /shrug

    I disabled it anyway & I'm uploading a new build that you can test.

  • Hi,

    I'm trying to get working temp sensor (DS18B20, 1-wire). My board is Odroid-C2. Have Rpi with DS18B20 too, but with raspbian - working ok.

    I was read this thread, and found some tips (write "dtoverlay=w1-gpio, gpiopin=4" in /flash/config.txt) but is one problem: dont have dtoverlay, dont have w1-gpio modules. Is it problem?

    LibreELEC:~ # dtoverlay -l
    -sh: dtoverlay: not found
    LibreELEC:~ # modprobe w1-gpio
    modprobe: FATAL: Module w1-gpio not found in directory /lib/modules/3.14.29

    Yesterday i was switch my Libreleec to Libreelec RR (adding unofficial source from #1 site),

    Is it posiible to have working DS18B20 temp sensor on my Odroid?

  • Hi,

    I'm trying to get working temp sensor (DS18B20, 1-wire). My board is Odroid-C2. Have Rpi with DS18B20 too, but with raspbian - working ok.

    I was read this thread, and found some tips (write "dtoverlay=w1-gpio, gpiopin=4" in /flash/config.txt) but is one problem: dont have dtoverlay, dont have w1-gpio modules. Is it problem?

    LibreELEC:~ # dtoverlay -l
    -sh: dtoverlay: not found
    LibreELEC:~ # modprobe w1-gpio
    modprobe: FATAL: Module w1-gpio not found in directory /lib/modules/3.14.29

    Yesterday i was switch my Libreleec to Libreelec RR (adding unofficial source from #1 site),

    Is it posiible to have working DS18B20 temp sensor on my Odroid?

    The Raspberry Pi is a complete different board than your Odroid C2. So you have to look into odroid forums if and how you can add this.

  • I just come across the sound issue on the generic build and asound.conf is not showing correct in /storage/.config/ . Think it might be corrupt during build ?

    I deleted and then copied over asound.conf from a previous build and placed in /storage/.config/ and it now works fine with RR Configuration

  • I just come across the sound issue on the generic build and asound.conf is not showing correct in /storage/.config/ . Think it might be corrupt during build ?

    I deleted and then copied over asound.conf from a previous build and placed in /storage/.config/ and it now works fine with RR Configuration

    Well you have to set your audio device in the addon & reboot the system. On every boot the old asound.conf file will be deleted and a new one will be created with the vars stored by the addon.

  • Edit: I fixed the issue. I'm not totally sure how, but I think it maybe when I reset the ALSA configuration (from your rr-config add-on) to default and then rebooted. I'm leaving the original up in quote just in case it needs to be reviewed further.

    2019-03-30 16:50:44.723 T:3632931696   ERROR: CDVDAudio::AddPacketsRenderer - timeout adding data to renderer

    Edited once, last by jaykass (March 31, 2019 at 5:28 AM).