Tried the Khadas VIM build on my K1 Pro s905 and works very well. Its great to have amiberry working I tried a few adf files last night and was playing some games and demos nice and smooth. Its a great update as previously been using the puae libretro core which was limited and outdated.

LibreELEC-RR 9.x [ Emulationstation | Retroarch | Pegasus | DolphinQT | Moonlight | Chrome | Spotify ]
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June 16, 2018 at 1:47 PM -
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Tried the Khadas VIM build on my K1 Pro s905 and works very well. Its great to have amiberry working I tried a few adf files last night and was playing some games and demos nice and smooth. Its a great update as previously been using the puae libretro core which was limited and outdated.
Can you give a brief overview how you got it up and running? Changed some dtb files or something? I guess it could be interesting for others which devices are compatible to this build.
I didnt have to change the dtb as it worked. To get it working just check out the AmigaA500-default.uae file in /storage/.config/amiberry/conf/. Here you will see where it looks for the kickstart rom. So I created a new directory called kickstarts in /storage/.config/amiberry/ and placed my kick13.rom and renamed it kick34005.A500.rom to match with the uae config file.
To have it running smooth at 50hz I set the display to 1080p 50hz in Kodi settings.
I also edit the uae config and set it to this for a better fit depends on your screen I guess.
Pressing F12 gives you the menu. I did have the odd slowdown on a few demos but cured this by changing the cpu to 14mhz. I have not tried the joystick yet so will pair my ps4 gamepad later in libreelec settings.
For amiga 1200 games you need to rename game disk and add AGA in the title. You will also need the kick31.rom and rename to kick40068.A1200.rom or you can edit the uae config to kick31.rom.. I will try whdload later should be a case of editing the uae config files.
I didnt have to change the dtb as it worked. To get it working just check out the AmigaA500-default.uae file in /storage/.config/amiberry/conf/. Here you will see where it looks for the kickstart rom. So I created a new directory called kickstarts in /storage/.config/amiberry/ and placed my kick13.rom and renamed it kick34005.A500.rom to match with the uae config file.
To have it running smooth at 50hz I set the display to 1080p 50hz in Kodi settings.
I also edit the uae config and set it to this for a better fit depends on your screen I guess.
Pressing F12 gives you the menu. I did have the odd slowdown on a few demos but cured this by changing the cpu to 14mhz. I have not tried the joystick yet so will pair my ps4 gamepad later in libreelec settings.
For amiga 1200 games you need to rename game disk and add AGA in the title. You will also need the kick31.rom and rename to kick40068.A1200.rom or you can edit the uae config to kick31.rom.. I will try whdload later should be a case of editing the uae config files.
Well setting up Amiberry is not what I've meant
If you create a Kickstart folder in the bios dir & name your rom appropriate it works out of the box.
I mean what dtb did you use? One of these? GitHub - LibreELEC/device-trees-amlogic: Linux Kernel device tree files used in LibreELEC releases for Amlogic hardware Replaced the dtb in the image? -
Well setting up Amiberry is not what I've meant
If you create a Kickstart folder in the bios dir & name your rom appropriate it works out of the box.
I mean what dtb did you use? One of these? GitHub - LibreELEC/device-trees-amlogic: Linux Kernel device tree files used in LibreELEC releases for Amlogic hardware Replaced the dtb in the image?I used the one already included in the Khadas vim image. Just wrote it to an sd card popped in the K1 Pro and booted first time. There is a dedicated dtb for the k1 pro and have used it for other libreelec images. I also have a wetek play 2 so will try it at some time.
Any idea if Amiga CD32 is working with your build ?
I used the one already included in the Khadas vim image. Just wrote it to an sd card popped in the K1 Pro and booted first time. There is a dedicated dtb for the k1 pro and have used it for other libreelec images. I also have a wetek play 2 so will try it at some time.
Any idea if Amiga CD32 is working with your build ?
Okay so you just exchanged the dtb file and it runs.
If you want to play any A1200 or CD32 game add AGA or CD32 to the file name. The start script is looking for these strings is loading the A1200 default config file then.
So for example:
A1200 ->
CD32 ->
Well I guess you're refering to this? FPS issues · Issue #47 · libretro/citra · GitHub the point is that a recent citra standalone version is way ahead of the libretro-core because the maintainer rebases the lr core rather seldom. Keep in mind that the core is more like wip and not comparable to something like dolphin. Also they use Windows10 and so you really can't compare that because a completly diffrent driver stack is used.
Yes,and a standalone version(linux) of cirta, is that difficult to make in your build? Probably it is newer and also faster.
Yes,and a standalone version(linux) of cirta, is that difficult to make in your build? Probably it is newer and also faster.
It's a completly new package with new config files, dependecies, probably QT5 stuff and else. What I don't get... your CPU is as fast as mine and you have als a dedicated GPU. Citra runs games fine for me so why do you need an dedicated package?
Can you test these roms for me then:
Rayman 3D (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) Decrypted
Super Mario 3D Land (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl,Pt,Ru) Decrypted
maybe it's a GPU driver thing?
Can you test these roms for me then:
Rayman 3D (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It) Decrypted
Super Mario 3D Land (Europe) (En,Fr,De,Es,It,Nl,Pt,Ru) Decrypted
maybe it's a GPU driver thing?
Okay... well I've spent some time building the standalone citra version since some libretro-citra submodule is outdated and it won't build right now. The libretro core is awful slow compared to the standalone version so I will include this core for now if I can iron out all configuration quriks.
Any way to add ES themes to this build?
Any way to add ES themes to this build?
Not for the enduser -> what theme do you have in mind?
I've updated the theme include path -> in the next build you can drop your custom themes to Configfiles/emulationstation/themes and they should work.
Okay so you just exchanged the dtb file and it runs.
If you want to play any A1200 or CD32 game add AGA or CD32 to the file name. The start script is looking for these strings is loading the A1200 default config file then.
So for example:
A1200 ->
CD32 ->
I tried the Amiga CD32 games last night and works great. I found the best method was to copy the uae config files from Ultimate Amiga on the RPI3 and copy them over to your image. Then make a few adjustments to the directory structure to locate the files and roms. My PS4 gamepad worked just had to select wireless controller in the amiberry gui.
Beta 08 is online:
- updated to latest LE9.0 upstream
- updated Generic/RPi kernel to 4.18.10
- updated several libretro-cores
- reworked SDL_GameControllerDB handling -> moonlight & sdl-jstest now use a shared gamecontrollerdb.txt
- patched SDL2 to support 8bitdo SF 30 PRO controller in DInput mode (Start+B)
- added controller subfolder to amiberry config -> place your retroarch controller files there, rename them 1:1 to the detected controller name and enjoy automapping
- added citra standalone / replaced libretro-citra -> delete your es_systems.cfg before you update!
- added custom theme support -> download & unzip your theme files to the themes directory within the emulationstation config folder
I tried the Amiga CD32 games last night and works great. I found the best method was to copy the uae config files from Ultimate Amiga on the RPI3 and copy them over to your image. Then make a few adjustments to the directory structure to locate the files and roms. My PS4 gamepad worked just had to select wireless controller in the amiberry gui.
Well the best thing is to create special conf files for every game. Boot them with the default config, adjust the settings for the game & safe the new config file. Then put it into the amiga rom folder, maybe fix some floppy image paths first, and run it. Many gamepads should work out of the box if SDL2 supports them. Otherwise it's also possible to use retroarch gamepad config files & drop them into the controller subfolder.
I'm trying to launch redream (a dreamcast emulator) in your custom libreelec build but it doesn't work:
Code./redream: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: no such file or directory
I asked inolen (redream dev) about that, he said that redream uses sdl and it seems sdl requires xinerama to be installed.
Could it be possible to add xinerama to your build?
EDIT: I'm using beta 8 generic X86-64 build on an i5 7200 laptop.
I downloaded the tar.gz from, extracted to /storage/redream, and tried to launch it from the terminal from here.
Updated tot Beta 8. Citra runs 100% faster now. The only problems i've got are no sound and the setup menu's are to big for the screen?
Updated tot Beta 8. Citra runs 100% faster now. The only problems i've got are no sound and the setup menu's are to big for the screen?
Whats your screen resolution? Have you read the FAQ and set up the asound.conf? Citra = SDL2 sound = ALSA -> no ALSA no sound.
I'm trying to launch redream (a dreamcast emulator) in your custom libreelec build but it doesn't work:
Code./redream: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: no such file or directory
I asked inolen (redream dev) about that, he said that redream uses sdl and it seems sdl requires xinerama to be installed.
Could it be possible to add xinerama to your build?
EDIT: I'm using beta 8 generic X86-64 build on an i5 7200 laptop.
I downloaded the tar.gz from, extracted to /storage/redream, and tried to launch it from the terminal from here.
Well the xinerama lib is not included since it's build static. To be honest I'm not really into redream after this [IMPORTANT] Redream is no longer open-source · Issue #6066 · libretro/RetroArch · GitHub since the dev has just $$$ in his mind.
I can build the xinerama lib shared but won't look deeper into redream.