LibreELEC-RR 9.x [ Emulationstation | Retroarch | Pegasus | DolphinQT | Moonlight | Chrome | Spotify ]

  • Hi Guys,

    is it possible to make a wireless Xbox one or ps4 controller work with bluetooth?

    AND 5schatten

    Thank you for your great build and work. Had a lot of fun playing around with it :)

    Check out the Arch Wiki -> from my perspective the PS4 controllers are easier to setup as the Xbox stuff but both should work.

    Gamepad - ArchWiki

    Gamepad - ArchWiki

    Retroarch & SDL based emulators will autodetect both controllers so setting controlls in games should be no problem at all once the controller is connected to your system.


    A generic Beta15a build is online.

  • After some tests I can say a standalone PPSSPP will be included in my next build. I've tested Breath of Fire 3 & Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles which work at a playable speed.

    But Reicast... well I won't touch it until at least this Make SDL input usable · Issue #1371 · reicast/reicast-emulator · GitHub has been resolved. The input handling is still hardcoded for X11 and you'll need to run some python scripts for input configuration.

    USB pendrives should not be used for OS imo as they often become faulty more than other kinds of media.

    It's okay for some tests so if you want to see if it boots and how it runs but of course it's not reliable for ongoing usage.

  • 5schatten clean installed beta15a on my usb disk > no display signal after libreelec rr boot image.

    I used my laptop to configure network and enable ssh and then rebooted it on my desktop with nvidia gpu.

    I upload all the logs since I don't know the correct one

  • 5schatten update from beta to beta15a:

    [FAILED] Failed to start Xorg server.


    Downgrade from 15a to 15.

    Kodi is running again

  • It fails cause of a faulty Nvidia 410.x driver installation. The upstream LE config is broken so I guessed a wrong libGLX is installed but it looks like this one is broken too.


    Since you've already made a clean install can you grab the latest vanilla LE alpha image, install it and send me the log? I need to know if driver is broken there too since I use the same driver config.

  • :) trying to compile for fun !!!
    But instead of using your settings with LibreElec, i've forked and copy the project over coreelec - as at least my daily usage looks like more stable right now ... compile is running for S905 lets see what happens

  • bigboo  BlaBla1973

    A beta15b is online in a nvidia testing subfolder -> comes with an older 390.87 driver


    tested a build with 410.78 myself & it works

    :) trying to compile for fun !!!
    But instead of using your settings with LibreElec, i've forked and copy the project over coreelec - as at least my daily usage looks like more stable right now ... compile is running for S905 lets see what happens

    Well since most problems arise from Amlogics crappy & outdated Kernel 3.14.29 & chinese rip-off chipset drivers I don't see why coreELEC should work more reliable since it's basically LibreELEC but with hacks that have such a bad code LE refused to upstream it. But whatever floats your boat & if it works for you... anyway just make sure you publish the code if you make any changes. Since it might be handy for others too.