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June 16, 2018 at 1:47 PM -
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Thread is Resolved
I have no idea actually, haven't had an RPi or done a build for it in ages. You should look at amiberry, some guy ported uae4arm to sdl2 and synced it with winuae.
I have no idea actually, haven't had an RPi or done a build for it in ages. You should look at amiberry, some guy ported uae4arm to sdl2 and synced it with winuae.
Haha okay well actually I'm not using them at all... I'm just trying to include all the emulators that were avaible in your build. But I have a look at it
Actually I wasn't able to build recent RPi images since you updated kodi 17 to the latest git so I already guessed you didn't build some.
Amiberry is a uae4arm fork so I guess it should be compatible to config files ? I was tinkering a bit and got a package/binary running. Maybe I can adopt your start script as well.
I've uploaded a new makemkv addon package.
Did you change the -o option for wget?
Did you change the -o option for wget?
Yes escalades patch is included. I've installed makemkv & I can start "makemkvcon" in my terminal. But I have no BD player nor BDs to test it any further.
You also must add the patch from the makemkv forum. otherwhise makemkv is crashing when you start open an encrypted BD. file.php?id=1356
Patched and uploaded, anything else is missing?
It should work now. Maybe someone can give it a try.
MakeMKV addon has the same version number and file name in google drive, right?
KODI is not rebooting anymore, when I'm trying to play a Bluray, but it says: Bluray can't be played, its encrypted
It's the new version -> well I or anybody else need logs to check what's wrong with makemkv.
Basically it's your makemkv with these patches -> any hints or recommendations?
I had a view in the Logs, the only BluRay related part seems to be:
ERROR: CBlurayDirectory::InitializeBluray - failed to open /var/media/TUCKER_AND_DALE_BD[/COLOR]
21:01:05.025 T:139983540672256 ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--[/COLOR]
And when I check in the MakeMKV addon dependencies, it says < not avaible
Is this missing and the reason why MakeMKV is not properly working?
I had a view in the Logs, the only BluRay related part seems to be:
ERROR: CBlurayDirectory::InitializeBluray - failed to open /var/media/TUCKER_AND_DALE_BD[/COLOR]
21:01:05.025 T:139983540672256 ERROR: EXCEPTION Thrown (PythonToCppException) : -->Python callback/script returned the following error<--[/COLOR]
And when I check in the MakeMKV addon dependencies, it says < not avaible
Is this missing and the reason why MakeMKV is not properly working?
I also got many errors, like this:
CurlFile::Stat - Failed: HTTP response code said error(22) for http://username:[email protected]:9981/imagecache/952[/COLOR]
20:58:22.381 T:139984281753344
It's probably not related to MKV, but how can this be fixed?
CodeCurlFile::Stat - Failed: HTTP response code said error(22) for http://username:[email protected]:9981/imagecache/952[/COLOR] 20:58:22.381 T:139984281753344
This is related to TVheadend well at least if you haven't changed the standard port. Guess you need some picons.
If you understand some german or at last the machine translation: Picons in TVHeadend nutzen – Björn's Techblog
check out PICONS - Home
download snp-full.400×240-370×210.light.on.transparent…..hardlink.tar.xz
download srp-full.400×240-370×210.light.on.transparent…..hardlink.tar.xz
extract them & put the pictures in these folders
\\your_device\Picons\tvh = snp
\\your_device\Picons\vdr = srp
Is there anything else? Failed to open could also mean that it can't access the bd? Best would be to upload the log to pastebin or here.
Do you have the latest Beta key in your Settings.conf?
If the goal is to simply play BD, you don't actually need MakeMKV. A proper KEYDB.cfg in /storage/.config/aacs should do the trick (I think).
Then he should try this:
I haven't moved to Reborn Remix yet pending MakeMKV status, but I want to ask if anyone knows how to add JRE home path to
MakeMKV settings? I have installed Java JRE as per these instructions (on 8.2.0 Remix) : Add built-in Java support
When I set Kodi to show the full Blu-ray menu and set region to B (which is my native region) and start a region A BD with Java menu,
MakeMKV doesn't seem to start and I see the incorrect region warning of the BD. If I choose simplified BD menu MakeMKV starts and decrypts the BD which then plays fine. So it seems to me that MakeMKV can't find the JRE and when a BD with Java menu is started in full menu mode MakeMKV doesn't start.
However, I downloaded the KEYDB.cfg to .config/aacs, and if I set Kodi to region A and full BD meny, the BD starts normally and I can use the BD Java menu. So it looks like playing any region without MakeMKV works now. MakeMKV is more seamless though as it takes care of the region automatically.
Then he should try this:
I've tried the KEYDB.cfg from this link and also a newer one from here: GitHub - CHEF-KOCH/AACS-2.0: Largest AACS 2.0 keyfile database on the net 🤔
Both are not working:
15:53:19.442 T:140052156622592 ERROR: CDVDInputStreamBluray::Open - Media stream scrambled/encrypted with AACS[/COLOR]15:53:19.442 T:140052156622592 ERROR: CVideoPlayer::OpenInputStream - error opening [bluray://%2fvar%2fmedia%2fTUCKER_AND_DALE_BD%2f/BDMV/PLAYLIST/00001.mpls][/COLOR]
15:53:20.154 T:140054413285120 ERROR: EXCEPTION: XBMC is not playing any media file[/COLOR]
I also have a problem with Chrome, I get no sound, neither flash videos, youtube or soundcloud. I know there a Addons avaible for soundcloud and co. Nevertheless I need sound for some websites, where no addons are avaible. Also tried Chromium, the same.
Someone suggested to copy this file from here: - chromium/reference_builds/chrome_linux - Git at Google
into the Chromium directory. Now Chromium doesn't start anymore...
Ah and btw. when I've tried to install Chromium, KODI also said that a dependency is needed: - Unavaible
Also needed for TVHeadend I think. Don't know how to install it... Is this a bug?
Correction, KEYDB.cfg doesn't work. I uninstalled MakeMKV and now the region A BD doesn't play whatever I try in settings. Now I only get the simplified menu but can't play any title. Choosing full BD menu only shows the error that it can't be played. But I think my drive was host key/cert revoked a couple of years ago. So I think that MakeMKV is still needed.