LE 8.2.5 with UHD 630 / Coffee Lake / Gemini Lake support and luks

  • I have tested both AMD Build with an A12-9800E CPU (Radeon R7 GPU), no Hardware Acceleration on GPU for 4K MKVs.

    Test with Ryze 5 2400G, the 0927 image is not usable, no Hardwareacceleration at all, on the 0925 Version CPU Usage ist at about 50% by playing 4K MKVs.

    Board is an Asrock Fatal1ty AB350 Gaming-ITX/ac with lates Bios.



    Edited once, last by KarstenL680 (June 2, 2018 at 10:33 PM).

  • Settungs -> Player -> Video -> vdpau/vaapi

    Try disable vdpau and enable vaapi.

    When the video is playing type o on a keyboard for the overlay info. That one shows you what decoding is used and if it is hw accelerated

  • Tested with Ryzen 5 2400G no change by switching between vdpau and vaapi, interesting, the MPEG4 Hardware Acceleration where off by default.

    Remark, going to limited colour space 16 - 255 brings CPU Usage down to about 35%.

  • A remark to your build which i'm using on Gemeni Lake Board, on some Films like Blade Runner 2049 the Video looks like problems with decoding colour information, this is not the case with LE9, tomorrow i will make a picture of it.

    Edited once, last by KarstenL680 (June 3, 2018 at 12:16 AM).

  • Gemini Lake HDMI bug 105887 workarounds are in the following versions

    8.2.5-5.42.2 and later

    8.2.5-6.42.2 and later

    8.2.5-7.42.0-4.16.13 and later

    8.2.5-3.42.2 and later (possibile not working at all, if somebody finds out please inform me)

    You need to configure your /flash/syslinux.cfg with i915.glkhdmi=1 or i915.glkhdmi=2 (see below for the parameters)

    The patch is taken from here ubuntu-4.15.0-23.25...4.15.0-23.25-glktesting and changed to work with 4.16. For 4.14 i needed to rewrite it more and i am not sure if it is working.

    So please tel me if it is working or not and what is the version you are tested.

    Edited 2 times, last by sky42 (June 3, 2018 at 10:06 PM).

  • 8.2.5-6.42.1-kernel-4.16.13

    - added 2 Gemini Lake workarounds to my normal build (but you need to configure /flash/syslinux.cfg)

    i.915.glkhdmi=2 is working on an Asrock J5005-ITX.

    maybe I miss something can i use dis on the buld 8.2.5-6.42 kernel 4.17   four the hdmi reboot signal lost
  • some updates ... what was done:

    Edit: corrected filename syntax -> the date needs to be before the kernel version in the filename

    new file naming scheme

    What are these LibreELEC-<Project>.<Architecture>-<LE version>-<F>.42.<V>[-YYYYMMDDHHMM][-<Kernel Version>][-CC] long filenames for

    <Project> is like Generic, RPi, RPi2 ...

    <Architecture> the CPU architecture of the build

    <LE version> what LibreELEC version it is based on

    <F> Feature set, higher means more changes/features, but probably less stable

    <V> just for counting versions, 0 means testing only

    YYYYMMDDHHMM if there is a timestamp -> that is a testing version

    <Kernel Version> the kernel version if it is different from the original LE version

    -CC a -CC suffix means it is with extra CrasyCat DVB drivers

    README.txt update for all download folders


    - full build with make distclean before

    - new version name .2, because of new naming scheme

    - added improve-ir-timeout patches from LE master

    - added Gemini Lake HDMI bug 105887 workarounds

    to activate put i915.glkhdmi=1 or i915.glkhdmi=2 in /flash/syslinux.cfg

    - xf86-video-nvidia 390.59


    - full build with make distclean before

    - disabled i915 Alpha Features

    for Coffee Lake you need now i915.alpha_support=1 in /flash/syslinux.cfg

    - new version name .2, because of new naming scheme

    - added improve-ir-timeout patches from LE master

    - Mesa 3D 18.0.5

    - amdgpu r600 / radeonsi now with VAAPI support PR allow using vaapi with r600 and radeonsi by lrusak · Pull Request #2403 · LibreELEC/LibreELEC.tv · GitHub

    - PR 2403 did libva --disable-glx and i removed glu dependency, for mesa --enable-va

    - added Gemini Lake HDMI bug 105887 workarounds

    to activate put i915.glkhdmi=1 or i915.glkhdmi=2 in /flash/syslinux.cfg


    - full build with make distclean before

    - new version name .2, because of new naming scheme

    - Mesa 3D 18.0.5

    - amdgpu r600 / radeonsi now with VAAPI support PR allow using vaapi with r600 and radeonsi by lrusak · Pull Request #2403 · LibreELEC/LibreELEC.tv · GitHub

    - PR 2403 did libva --disable-glx and i removed glu dependency, for mesa --enable-va

    - amdgpu new package amdgpu-firmware with latest firmware for vega10, vega12, vegam, raven from here Index of /~agd5f/radeon_ucode

    - package linux now depends on amdgpu-firmware

    Edited once, last by sky42 (June 4, 2018 at 1:24 PM).

  • KarstenL680

    For your Gemini Lake problem you can try

    - 8.2.5-5.42.2 (xorg, mesa, xf86 driver close to LE 9.0)

    - 8.2.5-3.42.2 (less new software, but i am not sure that it works at all)

    - 8.2.5-7.42.0-4.16.13 / 8.2.5-7.42.0-4.17-rc7

    - 8.2.5-6.42.2 should be the same as the older build 8.2.5-6.42.1-kernel-4.16.13

    and please inform me if there is change or if it is the same

  • KarstenL680

    I fear that looks like a decoding and/or color space conversion problem and i have no idea what to do. LE 9.0 uses ffmpeg 4.0 and building kodi 17.6 with ffmpeg4 seems not possible, because kodi is kind of hardwired to a ffmpeg version. I just did try and it downloaded 3.1 when only 4.0 was compiled and avariable.

    So just for clarification of your test:

    You did try 3.42.2, 5.42.2, 6.42.2?

    The GLK HMDI bug workaround did also work for 3.42.2 and 5.42.2? That one i needed to rewrite and i am not really a developer and was not sure if it is working at all.

    I just build a new version with 4.17 kernel release, but i think that one will not help you.

  • some updates ... what was done:

    8.2.5-7.42.0-4.17-201806040840 deleted look next post

    - kernel 4.17

    - look for -CC suffix if you need CrasyCat DVB drivers, now there are 2 builds for each release with slightly different timestamps

    Edited 3 times, last by sky42 (June 4, 2018 at 1:28 PM).

  • correction of the last update ... what was done:

    the date needs to be before the kernel version in the filename

    8.2.5-7.42.0-201806041407-4.17 HiDrive

    - kernel 4.17

    - look for -CC suffix if you need CrasyCat DVB drivers, now there are 2 builds for each release

  • some updates ... what was done:

    a testing version 6.42 with kernel 4.17

    8.2.5-6.42.2-201806041418-4.17 HiDrive

    - kernel 4.17

    - look for -CC suffix if you need CrasyCat DVB drivers, now there are 2 builds for each release