LCD.xml doesn't work

  • Hey there,

    I am waiting to ask why I am getting no information on the LCD using LCDproc. The LCD takes the Welcome from the LCDd.conf and it stays although I am navigating screen and the LCD doesn't change.

    One note, I had to add the following line to the to start the service. It may give a hint to why the service doesn't read the LCD.xml.

    LCDd -c /storage/.config/LCDd.conf &



    Edited once, last by AlleyCat (April 30, 2018 at 6:12 PM).

  • I got it working after long trial and errors. For anyone reading this post who has the same issue, here is how I solved the problem.

    I installed BOTH the Libreelec LCDproc and the XBMC LCDproc services. Once I installed the XBMC the content started showing on the LCD screen.

    I don't know why the LE LCDproc alone doesn't show the screen.


    • Official Post

    Kodi needed to reduce the size of their install binary due to Android store limits so between v15 and v16 they shed bloat by moving lots of tertiary functions into installable addon modules; LCD support is one of them. This means in addition to installing LCD support to the OS (via our addon) you also need to install LCD support to Kodi (via their addon). I'll admit it's not the most obvious thing..

  • in addition to installing LCD support to the OS (via our addon) you also need to install LCD support to Kodi (via their addon). I'll admit it's not the most obvious thing..

    Then service.lcdd addon should have requires set for kodi's addon?

    • Official Post

    Asking dump questions (never used an LCD with kodi) - it looks like some ppl use the display without the addon (displaying not kodi things), would it harm this ppl if we add an depend to that kodi addon ?

  • Technically the LCDproc service addon and the Kodi LCD addon are 2 separate things. You could configure the Kodi LCD addon to connect to an lcdproc instance running on another computer (I've used that to test things) or you could run lcdproc in LibreELEC and have some other program / addon (even on another computer) display info there.

    If we automatically install the kodi LCD addon people might need to disable it if they want to use some other program / addon to show stuff on the display (not 100% sure what happens if 2 clients connect to an lcdproc instance at the same time). Probably a niche use case, but again something that needs to be kept in mind / documented.

    so long,
